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纤维的表面性状是构筑纤维集合体的客观基础。 纤维的表面是外力,光、热辐射,电磁和液汽体作用的直达部位和主要载体。 纤维表面同时也是发生老化、破坏、产生缺陷的主体
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一、服装工业制板 二、国家服装标准 三、服装工业推板
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纱线的基本特征包括纱线的外观形态特征、加捻特征纤维在纱线中的转移及分布特征,以 及纱线表面的毛羽和内部膨松性等
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一、化学纤维制造概述 二、常规化学纤维 三、差别化纤维 四、功能性纤维
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一、棉纤维的基本特性 二、麻纤维的基本特性 三、毛纤维的基本特性 四、丝纤维的基本特性
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一、纱线的线密度 二、纱线的捻度 三、纱线的毛羽
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Guangdong Instltute of Textile Technolegy Justification Textile materials are the basic materials. It is crucial to establish a basic understanding of the science governing the behavior of these materials. The course is taught in a bilingual system such that the students will have an opportunity to enhance their English ability while learning the key knowledge in textiles
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Guangdong Institute of Textile Technolegy Structures of wool fibers Submicrostructure Cotex core of the wool fiber: 90% of the fiber volume, consists of countless long, spindle-shaped- cells held together by intercellular cement
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Guangdong Inatitute of Textile Technolegy Introduction The larva of certain insects for use in their building webs, climbing ropes and cocoons 0Spiders 0Commercial silk industry: use larva of silkworm o Application: Mostly apparel, was also used for parachutes
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Guangdong Instltute of Textile Technolegy Fiber Properties and Identification 0Mechanical properties Tensile properties Tensile deformation
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