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设P是数域,是一个文字,作多项式环P[],一个矩阵如果它的元素是 的多项式,即P[]的元素,就称为-矩阵.在这一章讨论矩阵的一些性质, 并用这些性质来证明上一章第八节中关于若当标准形的主要定理 因为数域P中的数也是P]的元素,所以在矩阵中也包括以数为元素的 矩阵.为了与λ-矩阵相区别,把以数域P中的数为元素的矩阵称为数字矩阵.以
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对比例的推断 数据=(1,,11.0,伯努利(P) 目标一估计P值,成功的概率(或具有某种 性质的总体比例) p=x=在n次观测中成功的个数 Var( p) =p(1-p)/n =pq/n ·方差依赖均值
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一、填空题 1.状态函数的特点是:状态函数的变化与途径无关,仅决定于初、终态 2.单相区的纯物质和定组成混合物的自由度数目分别是2和2 3.封闭体系中,温度是7的1mol理想气体从(,V)等温可逆地膨胀到(P,则所做的 功为W=TIn(/,)(以表示)或W=TIn(P,P)(以P表示) 4.封闭体系中的1mol理想气体(已知C),按下列途径由T1、P1和V可逆地变化至P2,则 YP
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教学内容及教学过程 3.3重心 重心坐标的一般公式 如右图所示,设一物体固连一坐标系oyz,物体微元体Mi的坐标为(x、y、z1), 其重量为Pi,则 P=>P 根据合力矩定理,有 线 对ox轴 M ∑Py P 对oy轴: Px=∑Px1 ∑P P
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先作用P1 ,后作用P2 ,外力所作的功: U = P + P + P
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L.P. 模型因其应用极广、方法成熟,已被证 明是 OR 中最成功的定量方法 本章尝试利用 L.P. 模型解决经济、金融、管 理中的一些问题 要点:L.P. 模型应用的广度?建立 L.P. 模型 的一般思路是?别人是如何考虑问题的?虽 然例子可能很简单 不要忘了:非负约束始终是L.P. 模型的特征 之一
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1 Induction Recall the principle of induction: Principle of Induction. Let P(n) be a predicate. If ·P(0) is true,an for all nE N, P(n) implies P(n+1), then P(n) is true for all nE N As an example let's try to find a simple expression equal to the following sum and then use induction to prove our guess correct 1·2+2·3+3:4+…+n·(mn+1) To help find an equivalent expression, we could try evaluating the sum for some small n and(with the help of a computer) some larger n sum
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What Do We Do in This Chapter? We conduct comparative statics analysis of ordinary demand functions the study of how ordinary demands*(p,,P2,y) and x2*(p1,p2,y) change as prices1,P2 and income y change. Theoretically, nothing new
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1.Integrability Demand function x(p,w)(.d.) is HDO, satisfied Walras Law and have a substitution matrix S(p,w) is s.n.s.d. for any (p,w), if it's deduced by rational preference. And if we observed an x(p,w) satisfied such conditions, can we find a preference to rationalization(p,w)? That the integrability problem
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1. Integrability Demand function x(p, w)(c d ) is HDO, satisfied walras law and have a substitution matriX S(p, w) is s n.s.d. for any (p, w), if it's deduced by rational preference And if we observed an x(p, w)satisfied such conditions, can we find a preference to rationalization x(p w ) That the integrability problem
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