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the way in which investment systems work; problems with some of the investment systems;
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Chapter 3 Number Systems and Boolean Algebra Key points: useful terms and definitions of Number system and Boolean Algbra Difficult points: Conversion of the Number Systems and Boolean Algbra
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Administrative matters Instructors: Eytan Modiano Meeting times: Tuesdays and Thursdays Text: Communications Systems engineering Proakis and salehi Grading 10% weekly Homework Assignments 30% each of 3 exams Final exam during final exam period
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Overview Spacecraft data processing requires microcomputers and interfaces that are functionally similar to desktop systems However, space systems require: - Low power, volume, and mass High reliability and fault tolerance
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Optimization of Separated Spacecraft Interferometer Trajectories in the Absence of A Gravity-Well Edmund M Kong Prof david w, miller MIT Space Systems Laboratory 20th March 1998 Space Systems Laboratory Massachusetts Institute of Technology
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Plan for the session Q Questions Complete some random topics Lecture on design of dynamic systems (Signal/Response Systems Recitation on hw#5? 16.881
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Transmit Gain Optimization for Space Time block Coding Wireless Systems with Co-channel Interference Nevio benvenuto and Stefano Tomasin Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informatica, Universita di Padova
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Slide 14.1.1 Elements of ooP Last time we introduced the idea of object oriented systems Today, we want to build on those basics, looking at how we can expand object-oriented systems to deal with hierarchies of objects, to leverage the commonality of methods between
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Iterative Receivers for Space-time Block Coded OFDM Systems in Dispersive Fading channels Ben Lu, Xiaodong Wan Ye( Geoffrey)Li Department of Electrical Engineering School of Electrical and Computer Engineering Texas a&M Universit
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Improving performance of coherent coded It can be shown that if the channel estimates are perfect(a1=a1, a2 OFDM systems using space time transmit a2)diversity can be achieved
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