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Definition: Design is a problem-solving process whose objective is to find and describe a way: —To implement the system’s functional requirements... —While respecting the constraints imposed by the non-functional requirements... - including the budget
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10.1 Basic definitions A failure is an unacceptable behaviour exhibited by a system —The frequency of failures measures the reliability —An important design objective is to achieve a very low failure rate and hence high reliability. —A failure can result from a violation of an explicit or implicit requirement
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1、派生类的构造函数和析构函数的执行顺序; 2、派生类的构造函数和析构函数的构造规则; 3、调整基类成员在派生类中的访问属性
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10.1 MFC编程流程 10.2 常用MFC类和消息处理 10.3 对话框的应用 10.4 菜 单 的 应 用 10.5 工具栏应用
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§8.1 多态性的基本概念 §8.2 函数重载 §8.3 拷贝构造函数 §8.4 运算符重载 §8.5 虚函数 §8.6 纯虚函数与抽象类
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4.1 函数概述 4.2 函数的定义和声明 4.3 函数的调用 4.4 参数传递 4.5 标识符的作用域 4.6 变量的生存期 4.7 递归函数 4.8 C++的库函数
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2.1 基本数据类型 2.2 数据在计算机中的存储 2.3 数据类型选择的原则 2.4 表达式及运算符 2.5 数据类型转换
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什么是软件测试? 1983年IEEE定义为: 使用人工或自动手段来运行或测定某个系 统的过程,其目的在于检验它是否满足规 定的需求或是弄清预期结果与实际结果之 间的差别
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一、 数据层次与文件组织 二、空间数据库 三、传统数据库模型 四、面向对象数据库系统 五、 数据管理设计
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Interaction diagrams are used to model the dynamic aspects of a software system They help you to visualize how the system runs. An interaction diagram is often built from a use case and a class diagram. —The objective is to show how a set of objects accomplish the required interactions with an actor
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