❖Why need memory management ❖Memory partitioning ❖Paging ❖Segmentation 3.1 Memory Management Requirements ♣ Relocation(重定位) ♣ Memory Protection(保护) ♣ Memory Sharing(共享) ♣ Logical Organization(逻辑组织) ♣ Physical Organization(物理组织) 3.2 Memory Partitioning • Fixed Partitioning • Dynamic Partitioning • Buddy System(伙伴系统) 3.3 Simple Paging Technique ❖ A process can be loaded into several not continuous frames(页帧). ❖ The efficiency of main memory is higher 3.4 Simple Segmentation Technique • A program and its associated data are divided into a number of segments. The segments may be not the same length. Main memory is divided into many partitions 3.5 Virtual Memory 虚拟存储
1.1 What is an operating system (定义) 1.2 History of operating systems (历史) 1.3 The operating system zoo (分类) 1.4 Computer hardware review(底层硬件) 1.5 Operating system concepts( 概念) 1.6 System calls(系统调用) 1.7 Operating system structure (结构)