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第一节人类的冲击和生境干扰 一、人类的兴起及其与自然的关系 在距今约1000012000年前,即第一次10 农业革命之前,人类的生存一直都要依赖于人 可得到的自然资源,那时候地球上的人口不 到500万农业革命使人口得到了增长,到 铜器时代开始的时候(距今约5000年前)2在上 世界人口增加到了1亿
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一、自然保护区的基本概念 二、国内外自然保护区的发展历史 三、国内外自然保护区的基本类型 四、自然保护区的设计 五、自然保护区网与生境走廊 六、自然保护区的功能 七、自然保护管理与评估
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一、基本概念 1.本地种(native species, indigenous species): 指在其过去或现在的自然分布区域和扩散潜力围内(即物种自然分布,或无直接间接引入或不 需要人类干预能够存活繁衍的范围)的物种、亚种或更低级的分类群
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recognition by most T cells from recognition by B iction. In most cases, both th maturati vation of ma the involver diversity o CD4\ and CD class I MHC Activat Engagement of TcR by Peptide: MHC Initiates interaction of th n antigenic Signal Transduction tide displayed though the sp
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of the humoral branch of the immune system Research on complement began in the 1890s, when Jules bordet at the institut pasteur in paris showed that sheep antiserum to the bacterium vibrio cholerae caused lysis of the bacteria and that heating the antiserum destroyed its bacteriolytic activity. Surprisingly, the ability to lyse the bacteria was restored to the heated serum by adding fresh serum that contained no antibodies directed a The Functions of Complement
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昆虫纲 Insecta是动物界中最大的一个纲。在汉语中,“昆”的意思之一是“众多”、“庞大”:而“虫字所指的 范围甚广,刘安、董仲舒的“五虫说和《大戴礼,本命》中“虫”为所有动物的总称。1890年,方旭在《虫 荟》一书中把“羽、毛、昆、鳞、介”5类动物中的219种小动物归为“昆虫类,“昆虫”一词才具有近代概 念
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susceptible host, a series of coordinated events must rcumvent both innate and adaptive immunity. One of the first and most important features of host innate immunity is the barrier provided by the epithelial surfaces of the skin and the lining of the gut. The difficulty of penetrat- ing these epithelial barriers ensures that most pathogens never gain productive entry into the host. In addition to pro viding a physical barrier to infection, the epithelia also pro duce chemicals that are useful in
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the early vaccination trials of Edward Jenner and oneering efforts, vac nce of diseases such ng cougl Vaccination with DN A Active and Passive Immunization Designing Vaccines for Active Immunization mWhole-Organism Vaccines Purified Macromolecules as Vaccines Recombinant-Vector Vaccines DNA Vaccines Multivalent Subunit Vaccines mmon usage. Experience has shown that not every vaccine
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lure can have dire consequences. Nude Mouse (nu/nu) elf and begins to attack hich is Primary Immunodeficiencies AIDS and Other Acquired or Secondary Immunodeficiencies at birth differentiated from immunodeficiencies in which the non- specific mediators of innate immunity, such as phagocytes or ed. Immunodeficiencies are conve- by the type or the developmental stage of overall cellular de g the locations of prevennon stra
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如第二章所述,建立 GenBank是为了适应人类基应组工程等科学研究产生的大量序列数据的信 息爆炸。总的来说, GenBank是带有注释的公用DNA蛋白质序列的集合。写作本书时, GenBank中有160万条链的纪录,含超过10亿个核苷酸碱基。向GenBank存入新的序列有两种方 法:通过 Sequi nBankl和等工具直接提交,或通过国际核苷酸序列数据库的组成部分 GenBank,eml,和DDB等相互之间传递数据的共享协议
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