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Basic concepts Basic problem: We measure range and phase data that are related to the positions of the ground receiver, satellites and other quantities How do we determine the \ best position for the receiver and other quantities What do we mean by best \ estimate?
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Estimation · Summary Examine correlations -Process noise · White noise · Random walk First-order Gauss Markov Processes Kalman filters Estimation in which the parameters to be estimated are changing with time
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Propagation Basics: - Signal, tagged with time from satellite clock, transmitted. - About66msec(20,000km) later the signal arrives at GPS receiver. Satellite has moved about 66 m during the time it takes signal to propagate to receiver
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Propagation: lonospheric delay Summary -Quick review/introduction to propagating waves -Effects of low density plasma Additional effects -Treatment of ionospheric delay in GPS processing -Examples of some results
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Mathematical models in GPS Review assignment dates (updated on class web page) Paper draft due Mon April 29 Homework 3 due Fri May 03 -Final class is Wed May 15. Oral presentations o papers. Each presentation should be 15-20 minutes, with additional time for questions. · Next three lectures:
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Primary research programs Geophysical research GPS analysis packages GAMIT (GPS at MIT): Uses double differences GYPSY: Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) processing packages: Uses one-way observables and explicitly estimates clocks Bernese: Developed at Astronomical Institute
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Styles of kinematic GPS Kinematic GPS techniques go by a number of names with features that are often receiver specific Kinematic GPS: Early term which implies that there is no loss of lock while the receiver is moving. In survey mode, if loss of ock occurs the antenna must be returned to a point of know ocation
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《Authorware6.0》开发面成,无需安装使 用,放入光盘可自动运行,操作非常简单,只要略懂电脑操作的人都能使用。 本课件使用了大量的图片和动画形像生动的展现了人肉眼无法看到的原子和分 子的内部结构,化微观为宏观,同时采用了大量超媒体链接技术,界面友好,具有 良好的人机交互性能。适用于化学、农学植保、园艺、环境工程、林学、动科、 生工、农机等各专业本科或专科使用
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第一节定向进化简介 第二节定向进化的应用 第三节蛋白质的稳定性 第四节蛋白质不可逆失活的原理和机理
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古典及现代国际贸易理论对贸易原因、结果的分析都是静态的,分析模式通常假定贸 易双方的生产要素、生产技术、需求偏好都是固定不变。实际生活中现实世界在不断变 化: 技术在进步、资本在积累、劳动力在增加收入在提高、生产可能性曲线在扩展
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