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1、什么是货币 2、货币有哪些职能 3、货币的形态 4、货币层次的划分 5、货币制度
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:153KB 文档页数:20
10-1: Inflation, Expected Inflation, and Unemployment 10-2: The Phillips Curve 10-3: A Summary and many Warnings
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教学目的: 1、了解信用产生和发展的历史及其演变。 2、重点掌握信用与货币的关系。 3、正确理解现代信用与经济的关系,重点掌握现代信用对经济的推动作用及其可能出现的泡沫问题。 4、掌握现代各种信用形式及其特点,应用范围。 5、掌握利息的实质,理解利息与收益资本化之间的关系。 6、掌握利率的概念及种类。 7、掌握利率的决定理论,理解决定影响利率的因素。 8、掌握利率的作用及利率发挥作用的环境与条件。 教学内容: 第一节 信用和信用形式 第二节 金融工具 第三节 利息和利息率
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8-1: A Tour of the Labor Market 8-2: Movements in Unemployment 8-3: Wage Determination 8-4: Price Determination 8-5: The Natural Rate of Unemployment 8-6: Where We Go From Here
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6-1: Openness in Goods Market 6-2: Openness in Financial Market 6-3: Conclusions and a Look ahead
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4-1: The Demand for Money 4-2: The Determination of the Interest Rate: I 4-3: The Determination of the InterestRate:Ⅱ
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Part 1 Introduction Part 2 Towards Neoclassical Growth Part 3 Neoclassical Growth Part 4 Endogenous Technological Change
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3-1: The Composition of GDP 3-2: The Demand for Goods 3-3: The Determination of Equilibrium Output 3-4: Investment Equals Saving:An Alternative Way of Thinking About Goods-Market Equilibrium 3-5:ls the Government Omnipotent?A warning
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