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一、相关统计学概念(2) 频数( frequency):各组段内的数据个数,频数分布类型有正态,左偏态和右偏态
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2.1 Preface Performance of a program: the amount of computer memory and time needed to run a program We use two approaches to determine it: performance analysis performance measurement
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7.1结构体 7.2共用体 7.3枚举类型 7.4用 typedef定义类型名 7.5位段结构季
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3.1程序的基本结构 3.2数据的输入/输出
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4.1 1D-Array 1. One-dimensional array 1D-array is a limited sequence composed of n (n20) elements which are of the same data type. For example:
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5.1VHDL文字规则 5.1.2字符串 (1)字符用单引号括起来的ASC字符,如:R’,a2,1, (2)文字字符串\ERROR\,\Both and equal to\,\x\,\bbc\ (3)数位字符串
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实验一 WINDOWS2000 SERVER IIS的安装与配置 实验二HTML标记符的使用(表格、表单对象、c样式 实验三 JAVASCRIPT语言 实验四 VBSCRIPT编程 实验五ASP内建对象 实验六可安装组件和脚本对象 实验七数据管理的存取操作
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6.1 Definition Definition: A queue is a linear list in which additions and deletions take place at different ends. It is also called a first-in-first-out list. The end at which new elements are added is called the rear. The end from which old elements are deleted is called the front
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Two kinds of data structure Linear: list, stack, queue, string Non-linear: tree, graph
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11.1 Binary Search Trees 1.Definition: A binary search tree is a binary tree that may be empty. nonempty binary search tree satisfies the following properties: 1)Every element has a key and no two elements have the same key: therefore,all keys are distinct
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