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English Pronunciation for Communication is a compulsory course offered to the first year English majors with an aim to help the students to improve their English pronunciation and intonation for more effective communication. The students will undergo intensive training in the pronunciation of individual phonemes in English, in the rhythmic patterns of the English language and in the patterns and functions of English intonation, so that the students will be able to communicate more effectively with good pronunciation and intonation
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Constructivism are based on the idea that, unlike a computer disk or an empty container, students do not wait passively to be filled up with knowledge. Rather, students actively build, or construct, their own knowledge.Teachers cannot entirely control their students’ learning, expert teachers can do much to facilitate students’ own active learning processes
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Moral development is the process by which individuals acquire a sense of right and wrong, to use in evaluating their own actions and the actions of others
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Electrical Engineering Textbook Series Richard C. Dorf, Series Editor University of California, Davis Forthcoming Titles Applied Vector Analysis Matiur Rahman and Issac Mulolani Optimal Control Systems Subbaram Naidu Continuous Signals and Systems with MATLAB Taan ElAli and Mohammad A. Karim
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① Lymphocyte: a. T-lymphocytes: cytotoxic T cell: Tc C- kill the tumor cell, virus infective cell and foreign cell helper T cell: Th C- promotes activity of BLC and Tc C suppressor T cell: Ts C –regulate the function of BLC and TC
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一、单项选择题[在下列四个备选的答案中选择一个正确答案填入( )内] (1)一般来说,热力发电厂的( )不是吸取饱和水。 A.凝结水泵; B.给水泵; C.循环水泵; D.疏水泵
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Poisson Equation in 1D Model Problem Boundary Value Problem(BVP) Wra(ac)= f(a) N1 x∈(0,1),w(0)=(1)=0,f∈C0N2 Describes many simple physical phen
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1 Background Brandt(1973)published first paper SLIDE 1 Offers the possibility of solving a problem with work and storage propor tional to the number of unknowns Well developed for elliptic proble
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1 First Order ave Equation SLIDE 1 The simplest first order partial differential equation in two variables(a, t)is the linear wave equation. Recall that all first order PDE's are of hyperbolic type INITIAL BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEM (IBVP) 0,x∈(0,1)
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Background Developed over the last 25 years- Brandt (1973) published first paper with practical results Offers the possibility of solving a problem with work and storage proportional to the number of unknowns Well developed for linear elliptic problems application to other equations is still an active area of research
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