How Should a Monopoly Price? So far a monopoly has been thought of as a firm which has to sell its product at the same price to every customer. This is uniform pricing. Can price-discrimination (差别定价 )earn a monopoly higher profits?
Now Add Production ... Add input markets, output markets, describe firms’ technologies, the distributions of firms’ outputs and profits … That’s not easy!
Structure Definition When to provide a public good – Efficient provision – Private provision: free-riding Variable quantities of public good – Efficient amount – Free-riding problem How to provide public goods? Demand revelation
Revealed Preference Analysis Suppose we observe the demands (consumption choices) that a consumer makes for different budgets. This reveals information about the consumer’s preferences. We can use this information to
Effects of a Price Change What happens when a commodity’s price decreases? –Substitution effect (替代效应): the commodity is relatively cheaper, so consumers substitute it for now relatively more expensive other commodities