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introduction classification incidence mortality
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Neonatal Respiratory Distress Clinical Menifestation Neonatal pulmonary function The main causes Main types of the disease Case discussion and presentation Summary and conclusion
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Incidence Thyroid hormone deficiency may:or acquired Congenital: most cases are hypoplasia or aplasia of the thyroid gland
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小儿造血特点 Development of the hematopoietic system ·出生前造血(Hematopoiesis) -中胚叶(mesoblastic) 一肝造血(hepatic) 骨髓(bone marrow)
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REGULAR PATTERN OF GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT continuous process Different rate of development in various systems General pattern Individual variance Puberty13yr(F)/15yr(M)
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Ceneral Considerations Definition 多病原多因素引起的大便性质 改变,大便次数增加的一组常见疾病 儿科 Pediaercse学
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Inborn errors of metabolism Overview Disorders in which defects of single gene cause clinically significant blocks in metabolic pathways Many kinds of disorders Lower incidence Clinical manifestations vary widely: mental retardation, seizure, hypotonia, failure to thrive
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Main Points Historical changes in the definition or name of the disease Different views and definitions at home and abroad What is basis for the category
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Introdution Morbidity and mortality The compromised host of the neonates in immunology Pathogens for clinical consideration Clinical manifestation Antibiotic therapy
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Background and Introduction Billirubin Metabolism Special problems in neonates Dangerous of the Hyperbillirubinemia The diseases in relation with Neonatal Jaundice
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