The nature of derivatives a derivative is an instrument whose value depends on the values of other more basic underlying variables Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 5th edition C 2002 by John C. Hull
Nature of Swaps A swap is an agreement to exchange cash flows at specified future times according to certain specified rules Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives, 5th edition 2002 by John C. Hull
Futures Contracts Available on a wide range of underlying assets · Exchange traded · Specifications need to be defined: What can be delivered, - Where it can be delivered, When it can be delivered Settled daily Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives,5 5th edition2002 by John.hull
Temperature: measure of the motion of the individual atoms and molecules in a gas liquid or solid related to average kinetic energy of constituents High temperature: constituents are moving around energetically
Acknowledgments xi Selected Abbreviations xiii Overview and Policy Messages: Mobilizing Finance and Managing Vulnerability 1 Capital flows to developing countries continued to recover, but at a slower pace
Topics to be Discussed Competitive Factor Markets Equilibrium in a Competitive Factor Market Factor Markets with Monopsony Power Factor Markets with Monopoly Power