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一、填空题(每空1分,共20分 1.智能控制是一门新兴的 学科,它具有非常广泛的应用领域,例如 和 2.智能控制系统的主要类型有: 和
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Develop a graphical depiction of the operation of the fuzzy controller for the inverted pendulum similar to 3 π the one given in Figure2.1 99 on page46. For this choose(t)=andet)=, which will result in four rules being on. Be sure to show all parts of the graphical depiction
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In this problem we will study the effects of adding rules to the rule- base. Suppose that we use seven triangular membership functions on each universe of discourse and make them uniformly distributed in the same manner as how we did in Exercise 2.3. In particular make the points at which the outermost input membership functions for e saturate at +r/2 and for e at tr/4 For u make the outermost ones have their peaks
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7.1.1智能控制理论体系 模糊智能控制(Fuzzy Control)神经网络控制(Neurocontrol)模糊神经网络与神经模糊控制 遗传算法与进化控制(Genetic Algorithm/ Control)软计算(Soft Computation)
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Fuzzy control does not exist as an isolated topic devoid of relationships to other fields, and it is important to understand how it relates to these other fields in order to strengthen your understanding of it. We have emphasized that fuzzy control has its foundations in conventional control and that there are many relationships to techniques, ideas, and methodologi there. Fuzzy control is also an\intelligent control\technique
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7.1控制系统的工程设计方法 7.2控制系统可靠性技术 7.3控制系统的工程设计与实现 7.5控制系统集成式设计与实现范例 7.4控制系统经济式设计与实现范例
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3.1概述 3.2模拟控制器的离散化 3.3数字PD控制 3.4数字PID控制算式的改进 3.5数字PID参数整定方法 3.6数字控制器的直接设计方法 3.7数字控制器的计算机实现
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1、试比较DCS与FCS的异同点。 2、采用总线技术构建一个三级楼宇自控系统的系统结构图,要求: (1)标明具体的被监控子系统(对象); (2)设置必要的监控分站(不少于两个); (3)网络、网络接口名称及大致的信息传输速率
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自动控制广泛地应用于工农业生产,交通运输,国防和航天等各个领域。 随着生产和科学技术的发展,自动控制技术起的作用越来越重要,自动化水平 越来越高,如人造卫星能按预定轨道运行,并能返回地面,导弹能正确的命中 目标,宇宙飞船能准确在目标上着陆,并能返回地球。这都是由于自动控制技 术高速发展的结果
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一、本章内容提要: 1介绍了系统开环传递函数的极点、零点已知的条件下确定闭环系统的根轨迹法,并分析系统参量变化时对闭环极点位置的影响; 2.根据闭环特征方程得到相角条件和幅值条件由此推出绘制根轨迹的基本法则;
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