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一、有机合成的历史回顾 二、有机合成化学的发展趋势 三、学习内容和方法 四、重要参考书及期刊 五、课程安排 Chapter 2 Formation of Carbon-Carbon Single Bonds Chapter 3 Formation of Carbon-Carbon Doule Bonds Chapter 4 Conversion of Functional Groups Chapter 5 Application of Organometallic Reagents in Organic Synthesis Chapter 6 Diels-Alder Reaction and Development Chapter 7 Oxidation Reactions Chapter 8 Reduction Reactions
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哈佛大学:《有机过渡金属化学》英文教学资源(讲义)The Holy Grail of Catalysis
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哈佛大学:《有机过渡金属化学》英文教学资源(讲义)Monohydride catalysts
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哈佛大学:《有机过渡金属化学》英文教学资源(讲义)Substrate-directed hydrogenations with
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哈佛大学:《有机过渡金属化学》英文教学资源(讲义)Wilkinson's original
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哈佛大学:《有机过渡金属化学》英文教学资源(讲义)Sonogashira:in situ, metal assisted deprotonation
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哈佛大学:《有机过渡金属化学》英文教学资源(讲义)C-C Bond Formation
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哈佛大学:《有机过渡金属化学》英文教学资源(讲义)Ligand Exchange Mechanisms
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哈佛大学:《有机过渡金属化学》英文教学资源(讲义)Course Overviewweek1
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哈佛大学:《有机过渡金属化学》英文教学资源(讲义)Functionalization of terminal olefins
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