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MTs are hollow, cylindrical structures that occur in nearly every eukaryotic cell that has been scrutinized with EM. MTs have an outer diameter of 24~25nm, a wall thickness of approxim ately 5 nm, and lengths that may extend across the length or breadth of a cell. 1. Tubulin Globular tubulin subunits are arranged in 13 longitudinal row
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The Arteries Characteristics Symmetry对称 In the trunk of the bod consist parietal and visceral branches壁支和脏支 Shortest possible course Run on flexor surfaces Usually do not pass directly through muscles, avoiding compression Together with the veins and nerves in a sheath of fascia to form neurovascular bundle 血管神经束
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When is a flow compressible? compressible flow differs from an incompressible one in that significant change happens in the density
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Two different points of view in analyzing problems in mechanics The Eulerian view(欧拉观点) and the Lagrangian view(拉格朗日观点) Flow classification Streamline(流线)Pathline(迹线)& Flowfield (流场)流线方程计算流谱 Surface force(表面力) and body force(质量力,体积力)
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11-1 Classifications of Magnetic Media Magnetic Permeability磁介质的分类磁导率 11-2 Molecular Theory of Paramagnetism& Diamagnetism顺磁质和抗磁质磁化的分子理论 11-3 Ampere's Law in the magnetic matter and magnetic intensity H磁介质中的安培环路定理和磁场强度H 11-4 Ferromagnetism铁磁质
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11-1 Classifications of Magnetic Media Magnetic Permeability 磁介质的分类磁导率 11-2 Molecular Theory of Paramagnetism& Diamagnetism顺磁质和抗磁质磁化的分子理论 11-3 Ampere's Law in the magnetic matter and magnetic intensity H 磁介质中的安培环路定理和磁场强度H 11-4 Ferromagnetism铁磁质
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•§ 10-2 Magnetic Field Gauss’law in Magnetic Field 磁感应强度 磁场的高斯定理 •§ 10-1 Magnetic Phenomena Ampere’s Hypothesis 基本磁现象 安培假说 •§10-3 Boit-Savart Law &Its Application 毕奥 – 萨伐尔定律及其应用 •§ 10-4 Ampere’s Law & Its Application 安培环路定理及其应用
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TWo fundamentally different types of cells exist. Procaryotic cells have a much simpler morphology than eucaryotic cells and lack a true membrane-delimited nucleus. All bacteria are procaryotic. In contrast, eucaryotic have a membrane enclosed nucleus; they are more complex morphologically and are usually larger than prokaryotes. Algae, fungi, protozoa higher plants, and animals are eucaryotic Procaryotic and eucaryotic cells differ in many other ways as well
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Lecture 2: Buyer Behaviour in Consumer and Organisational Markets Lecture Objectives Buyer Behaviour Consumer Decision Making Process Characteristics of Organisational Buying
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History and development of Endocrinology(1) Roughly a hundred years ago, Starling coined the term hormone to describe secretin, a substance secreted by the small intestine into the blood stream to stimulate pancreatic secretion. In his Croonian Lectures, Starling considered the endo- crine and nervous systems as two distinct mechanisms for coordination and control of organ function. Thus, endocrinology found its first home in the discipline of mammalian physiology
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