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Chapter 10: An Overview of Risk Management Objective Risk and Financial Decision Making Conceptual Framework for Risk Management Efficient Allocation of Risk-Bearing
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Chapter 11 Contents 11.1 Using Forward Futures 11.6 Basic Features of Contracts to Hedge risks Insurance Contracts 11.2 Hedging Foreign- 11.7 Financial Guarantees Exchange Risk with Swap11.8caps& Floors on Contracts Interest Rates
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Chapter 14: Contents Distinction Between Forward The \Implied\Risk-Free Rate Futures Contracts The Forward Price is nota The Economic Function of Forecast of the Spot Price Futures Markets Forward-Spot Parity with Cash The Role of Speculators Payouts
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Chapter 13 Contents 13.1 The Capital Asset Pricing Model in Brief 13.2 Determining the Risk Premium on the Market Portfolio 13.3 Beta and Risk Premiums on Individual Securities 13.4 Using the CAPM in Portfolio Selection 13.5 Valuation& Regulating Rates of Return UeSTc
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第一节化学混凝法 第二节中和法 第三节化学沉淀法 第四节氧化还原法
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一、概述 二、原理 三、主要构筑物及工艺 四、厌氧生物处理法的设计
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5.1循环语句概述 5.2for语句 while和语句 5.3直到型循环do- while语句 5.4 breakcontinue语句与语句 5.5应用举例
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3.1格式化输出 printf0函数 3.2格式化输入0函数 3.3单个字符输getchar入输出(和putchar函数 3.4顺序结构程序设计
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:154KB 文档页数:31
3.1格式化输出 printf0函数 3.2格式化输入0函数 3.3单个字符输getchar入输出(和putchar函数 3.4顺序结构程序设计
文档格式:DOC 文档大小:468KB 文档页数:5
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