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Lecture D33: Forced Vibration Fosinwt m Spring Force Fs =-kx, k>0 Dashpot Fd =-ci, c>0 Forcing Fext Fo sin wt Newton's Second Law (mix =CF) mx+cx+kx= Fo sin wt =k/m,=c/(2mwn)
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In lecture D28, we derived three basic relationships embodying Kepler's laws: Equation for the orbit trajectory
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#include int larger(int, int); int*larger 2(int', int*) void maino printf(\请输入两个整数:\) scanf(\%d, %d\, &x, &y)
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Outline Review of Equations of Motion Rotational Motion Equations of Motion in Rotating coordinates Euler Equations Example: Stability of Torque Free Motion Gyroscopic Motion Euler Angles Steady Precession Steady Precession with M=0 MIT
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#include maino int x=5, y=0, Z=6, result printf(\&&y&&z=%d\\n\,result result=x-3y‖z*5; printf(\x-3 yz*=%d\\n\, result)
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#define n3 float aN+IL,A,X printi\请输入多项式系数a%d],a%d],…,a[0:n\,N,N-1) for(i=N;>=0,-) scanf(%f, &aiD) printf(\请输入x的值:n\)
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#include void maino int F100 char C=M. printf(\%d, %d\\n\, i, c);
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一、选择题(每小题2分,共70分) (1)一个栈的初始状态为空。现将元素1、2、3、4、5、A、B、C、D、E依次入栈,然后 再依次出栈,则元素出栈的顺序是() A)12345ABCDE B)EDCBA54321 C)ABCDE12345 D)54321EDCBA
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一、单项选择项(在每题的后面有四个备选答案,只有一个是正确的,请将正确答 案选 出,并将其标号写在答题纸上。每小题0.5分,共10分) 1.在市场经济条件下,货币供求由失衡向均衡的调整过程,离不开()的作 用。 A基础货币 B.超额储备 C.利率 D.价格 2.信用交易是() A.银行凭企业信誉发放贷款的一种形式 B.银行同业往来的一种形式 C.企业之间依靠信誉提供的信用 D.证券交易的一种方式
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Non-Inertial Reference Frame Gravitational attraction The Law of Universal Attraction was already introduced in lecture D1. The law postulates that the force of attraction between any two particles, of masses M and m, respectively, has a magnitude, F, given by F= (1) where r is the distance between the two particles, and G is the universal constant of gravitation. The value of G is empirically determined to be
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