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5001 NF3和NH3分子中,键角∠FNF比∠HNH要(a),这是因为(b) 5002 写出下列分子的结构式(标明单键和多重键等键型)和立体构型: (1)Al2Cl,(2)HN3,(3)Fe(Co)3(n-c44),(4)eof4,(5)xef4
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001 首先提出能量量子化假定的科学家是:- (A) Einstein (C) Schrodinger
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一、选择题 1.在强碱性介质中,钒(V)存在形式…() (A)VO (B)VO3+ (C)V2O5nH2O (D)VO6
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一、选择题 1.对于配合物中心体的配位数,说法不正确的是…() (A)直接与中心体键合的配位体的数目 (B)直接与中心体键合的配位原子的数目 (C)中心体接受配位体的孤对电子的对数 (D)中心体与配位体所形成的配价键数
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一、选择题 1.对于一个氧化还原反应,下列各组中正确的关系式应是() (A)△,G>0;E0E>0;K>1 (C)△G1 (D)△G0;K<1
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一、选择题 1.理想溶是() (A)溶质对溶剂分子间作用力没有明显影响 (B)溶解过程中几乎没有热效应 (C)溶解前后溶质和溶剂的体积没有变化 (D)以上三个性质
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Surface quality is another aspect of machining accuracy. It consists of the surface finish and the physic mechanical state of the surface layer. It affects the proper functioning and service life of the parts Surface Finish Machining accuracy is expressed quantitatively in machining error. Surface finish is expressed quantitatively in surface roughness. The surface roughness on a machined workpiece surface is caused primarily by the geometrical factors(cutting tool geometry and cutting
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There are two basic methods of generating process manufacturing gear teeth,the generating process and the forming forming process process. When a gear tooth is generated, the workpiece and the grinding cutting or grinding tool are in continuous mesh and the tooth form is mesh
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Background Rhinitis is defined as inflammation of the nasal membranes and is characterized by a symptom complex that consists of any combination of the following: sneezing, nasal congestion, nasal itching, and rhinorrhea. Allergic rhinitis is the most common cause of rhinitis
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①主要特点:a可以方便地通过对F/M的调节,使反应器内的有机物降解反应控制在 最佳状态;b进水一进入曝气池,就立即被大量混合液所稀释,所以对冲击负荷有一定的 抵抗能力;c适合于处理较高浓度的有机工业废水
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