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5 Heteronuclear Correlation Spectroscopy H.C-COSY We will generally discuss heteronuclear correlation spectroscopy for x =C(in natura abundance!), since this is by far the most widely used application. However, all this can also be applied to other heteronuclear spins, like 3P, 5N, 1%F,etc In the heteronuclear case, there are some important differences that allow to
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NMR supplement Kinetic studies of protein folding using NMR spectroscopy Christopher M. Dobson and Peter J Hore Recent progress has advanced our abilities to use NMR spectroscopy to follow- in real time -the structural and dynamic changes taking place during protein folding
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NMR supplement Hendrickson, W-A& Wuthrich, K Macromolecular 16. Leahy, D.J., Aukhil, I.& Erickson, H.P. 2.0 Cell 84 A K.D. thanks the Wellcome Trust and The queens 2D0i9 Riddiough. G. Nature Struct. Biol 18. sakaning. AK Kean. cel l8r.597-605i(eRw& by the Wellcome Trust. The authors acknowledge
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NMR of drugs and ligands bound to receptors Anthony Watts NMR methods are now able to give detailed structural, dynamic of these still not identified or classed into families [4\]. and electronic information about drugs and ligands while
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NMR screening in drug discovery Jonathan M Moore NMR methods in drug discovery have traditionally been used drugs. Many pharmaceutical industry research groups have to obtain structural information for drug targets or embarked on drug discovery programs using NMR screen-
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1.什么是富营养化? 富营养化现象很早就有,我们可以从古代书藉中 找到一些线索。关于富营养化的第一个确实的、 科学的观察应在19世纪20年代。当时瑞士的莫 尔登湖(Murten see)湖水变成红褐色。周围居民 认为是二百多年前德瑞战争中法国土兵血迹的回 溯
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草本,稀为木质藤本。汁液乳状,水状或有辛辣味,常具草 酸钙结晶。有根状茎或块茎 叶基出或茎生,单叶或复叶,叶形和叶脉不一,基部常具膜 质鞘
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水质化学性状指标和微生物学性状指标:三氮、三氧、细菌总数、总大肠菌群 水体污染对健康的危害:生物性污染的主要危害一介水传染病的流行 化学性污染的危害(重点介绍水俣病、痛痛病);
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织物的耐久性一般指材料与使用寿命有关的耐力学、热学、光学、电学、化学、生物老化的性 质,还涉及织物形态、颜色、外观的保持性,即织物性状的持久与稳定。 狭义的耐久性(durability)是指性状的持久与稳定
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§1:基础化学知识 §2:蛋白质的基本单元--氨基酸 §3 蛋白质结构的组织与类型 §4:蛋白质结构的稳定性 §5:蛋白质结构-功能关系
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