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1.1电子商务的兴起和发 1.2电子商务的概念 1.3电子商务的特点与优势 1.4电子商务所带来的变革
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5.1物流概述 5.2物流系统的组成 5.3供应链管理 5.4物流的模式
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一、介绍本课程的授课计划 二、教学要求:听讲,笔记,看书,网上学习,实验,作业。 三、体验电子商务:
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钢筋混凝土桁架或拱拉杆、受内压力作用的环形截 面管壁及圆形贮液池的筒壁等,通常按轴心受拉构 件计算。 矩形水池的池壁、矩形剖面料仓或煤斗的壁板、受 地震作用的框架边柱,以及双肢柱的受拉肢,属于 偏心受拉构件。 受拉构件除轴向拉力外,还同时受弯矩和剪力作用
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6.1概述 主要以承受轴向压力为主通常还有弯矩和剪力作用
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4.1概述(Introduction) 一、结构中常用的梁、板是典型的受弯构件 二、梁的截面形式常见的有矩形、T形、工形、箱形、T形、∏形
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项目管理是为完成一个预定的目标,而对任务和资源进行规划、组织和管理 的程序,通常需要配合时间、资源或成本方面的限制式。项目计划可以很简单 例如笔记本上列出的任务以及它们的开始和完成日期;也可以很复杂,例如包括 成千上万项任务和资源以及上百万元项目预算的项目。 大多数项目管理工作多涉及一些相同的活动,其中包括将项目分割成便于管 理的多个任务、子任务、在小组中交流信息以及追踪任务的工作进展
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Interactive Complexity Complexity is a moving target The underlying factor is intellectual manageability 1. A simple\system has a small number of unknowns in its interactions within the system and with its environment 2. A system is intellectually unmanageable when the level of interactions reaches the point where they cannot be thoroughly
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Programming Languages As difficult to discuss rationally as religion or politics. Prone to extreme statements devoid of data. Examples: \It is practically impossible to teach good programming to students that have had a prior exposure to BASIC; as potential programmers they are mentally mutilated beyond hope of regeneration.\(Dijkstra)
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opyright Nancy Leveson, Sept. 1999 Stage 1: Forming Team members begin to discover what behaviors are acceptable Usually highly unstructured environment Attempt to identify tasks, how to accomplish them Decisions on what information is needed Hesitant participation
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