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一、脂类的概念 不溶于水而能被乙醚、氯仿、苯等非极性有机溶剂抽提出的化合物,统称脂类。脂类包括油脂(甘油三脂)和类脂(磷脂、蜡、萜类、甾类)
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一、分解代谢的三步曲 二、线粒体呼吸链的组成
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一、核苷酸降解代谢 1. Uric acid is the excreted end product of purine catabolism in humans and many other animals For adenosine, the amino group is hydrolyzed before the ribose group is removed. For guanosine, the amino group is hydrolyzed
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第四节糖原的合成与分解 第五节糖异生 第六节磷酸戊糖途径 第七节血糖及其调节
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一、自然界中的氮循环( The Nitrogen Cycle)
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一、戊糖磷酸途径 In most animal tissues, the major catabolic fate of glucose 6-phosphate is glycolytic breakdown to pyruvate, much of which is then oxidized via the citric acid cycle, ultimately leading to the formation of ATP
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大多数机体的能源物质,彻底氧化:G= 2840 KJ/mole 通过磷酸戊糖途径可产生 NADPH和 ribose--5-P 可以以多糖(glycogen or starch)或转化为脂肪 进行长期储存
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1. Cells need energy to do all their work To generate and maintain its highly ordered structure (biosynthesis of macromolecules). To generate all kinds of movement. To generate concentration and electrical gradients
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table 13-1 Some Signals to Which Cells Respond Antigens Cell surface glycoproteins/oligosaccharides Developmental signals Extracellular matrix components Growth factors Hormones Light Mechanical touch Neurotransmitters Odorants
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It is beyond the scope of this class to understand the following. If only one equilibration is in effect, the pH of the solution is determined by one Henderson-Hasselbalch equation
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