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Facilitate intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphorus Promote renal reabsorption of phosphorus Direct effect on bone deposition and reabsorption of calcium and phosphorus Maintain calcium and phosphorus homeostasis
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概 貌 Outline 是一种小血管炎 A kind of vasculitis of small vessels 以皮肤紫癜、关节痛、积液、腹痛、便血、血 尿和蛋白尿为主要临床特征 Characterized clinically by purpura, arthralgia ,articular effusion, abdominal pain, hemafecia, hematuria and proteinuria
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定义 当某种物质接触或进入人体后,对组织器官发 生生物化学或生物物理作用,影响机体的正常 生理功能,引起机体功能性或器质性病理状态 的物质称为毒物。 工业性毒物、药物、农药、有毒动植物 毒物进入人体后,损害人体某些组织或器官的 生理功能或组织结构,从而引起一系列症状体 征,称为中毒
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一、解剖位置深、一般不易损伤 二、血流供给丰富、易于出血 三、产生尿、输送尿的器官、可引起尿外渗 四、因为有血、有尿,有潜在的感染可能 五、复合伤多
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学习目的: 1、了解传染病学的一些名词,概念。 2、掌握传染病的流行过程、影响因素,传染病的特征、防治原则
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Wang Xiaochuan Children’s Hospital Immunocompromised Host Individual who has one or more defects in the body’s natural defense mechanisms which are sufficiently severe to predispose the host to life￾threatening infection Primary - PID, damage to anatomical barriers Secondary - infection, tumor, drug, others Physiology- Infants, aged
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Vitamin D roles Facilitate intestinal absorption of calcium and phosphorus Promote renal reabsorption of phosphorus Direct effect on bone deposition and reabsorption of calcium and phosphorus Maintain calcium and phosphorus homeostasis
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Definition PEM is a kind of malnutrition caused by inadequate dietary intake or some diseases, occurs commonly in children under 3 years of age
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Overview 1. Definition of Accidental Trauma: Accident, Unexpected, Injuries Physically and/or Psychologically 1. Causes: physical, chemical, and biological factors 2. Main cause of mutilation and death in children globally
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