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一、商品的概念及特点 (一)商品的概念 1、一般概念 商品是人类社会生产力发展到一定历史阶段 的产物,它是为了交换或出卖而生产的劳动产品 。商品具有使用价值和价值两种属性,是使用价 值和交换价值的统一体
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程序设计是一项实践性很强的工作, 掌握程序设计的方法,不仅需要有解决问 题的算法和程序设计语言的语法知识,更 需要勤于动手、动脑去编程和上机实践。 就如同学游泳一样,在陆地上是永远学不 会游泳的。程序设计的最终目的是让计算 机去完成人们的意愿,实现人与计算机之 间的沟通。最终是否能达到这一目标,还 必须要在计算机上运行该程序,以检验它 的正确性
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Wave Properties of Electrons Standing wave vibrates in fixed location. Wave function, w, mathematical description of size, shape, orientation Amplitude may be positive or negative Node: amplitude is zero
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To determine reaction''s mechanism, look at: Equilibrium constant Free energy change Enthalpy Entropy Bond dissociation energy Kinetics >Activation energy
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Classes of Halides Alkyl: Halogen, X, is directly bonded to sp3 carbon. Vinyl: X is bonded to sp2 carbon of alkene. Aryl: is bonded to sp2 carbon on benzene ring. Examples:
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Reactivity of C=C C—C Electrons in pi bond are loosely held Electrophiles are attracted to the pi electrons. · Carbocation intermediate forms. Nucleophile adds to the carbocation. · Net result is addition to the double bond
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Classification Primary: carbon with -OH is bonded to one other carbon. Secondary: carbon with-OH is bonded to two other carbons. · Tertiary: carbon with-OH is bonded to three other carbons. Aromatic(phenol): -OH is bonded to a benzene ring
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Spectroscopy is an analytical technique which helps determine structure. It destroys little or no sample. The amount of light absorbed by the sample is measured as wavelength is varied
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Introduction Formula R-O-R where R is alkyl or aryl. Symmetrical or unsymmetrical Examples:
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Discovery of Benzene Isolated in 1825 by Michael Faraday who determined C: H ratio to be 1: 1. Synthesized in 1834 by Eilhard Mitscherlich who determined molecular formula to be C6H6
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