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1、下列说法能否作为a是数列{an}的极限定义?为什么? (1)对于无穷多个E>0,彐N∈N+,当n>N时,不等式{an-叫<∈成立;
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一、名词解释(15分) 1.计算机网络: 凡是将分布在不同地理位置并具有独立功能的多台计算机,通过通信设备和线路连接起来,在功能完善的网 络软件(网络协议及网络操作系统等)支持下,以实现网络资源共享和数据传输为目的的系统,称为计算机网络
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已经具备了比较良好的条件 推动经济和社会发展达到新的水平(1) raise its economic and social develpoment to a new level 维护地区的和平与稳定,发展经济科技(1) maintain regional peace and stability, develop economy, science and technology, 扩大互利合作,促进共同繁荣
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Simultaneity Simultaneity is a specific type of endogeneity problem in which the explanatory variable is jointly determined with the dependent variable 2 As with other types of endogeneity, IV estimation can solve the problem o Some special issues to consider with simultaneous equations modelS(SEM) Economics 20- Prof anderson
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Functional form e We' ve seen that a linear regression can really fit nonlinear relationships 2 Can use logs on RHS, LHS or both Can use quadratic forms ofx's Can use interactions ofx's e How do we know if we've gotten the right functional form for our model? Economics 20- Prof anderson
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Parallels with Simple regression Bo is still the intercept B, to Bk all called slope parameters u is still the error term(or disturbance) Still need to make a zero conditional mean assumption, so now assume that E(lx,x2…,x)=0 Still minimizing the sum of squared residuals. so have k+l first order conditions Economics 20- Prof anderson
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Cavendish(1731-1810)实验想法: 设f∞r20,若δ8≠0 则均匀带电导体球壳内表面将带电 Q(Qa,6,a,b)≠0 找出此函数关系(理论),比较Q内 与Q約(实验),便可确定δ的下限
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Effect of environmental factors on growth Water availability, pH, temperature, oxygen concentration, pressure, radiation, and a number of other environmental factors influence microbial growth. Yet many microorganisms, and particularly bacteria, have managed to adapt and flourish under environmental extremes that would destroy most organisms
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3.064Quiz10/10/03 Sample questions 1. What is the glass transition temperature of a polymer How can it be measured? What molecular characteristics determine its value Illustrate by giving the chemical structure and Tg for polyethylene polyvinyl chloride and polystyrene
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Microbial growth Conditions 1. Macronutrients 2. Micronutrients 3. Growth factors 4. Environmental factors: temperature; pH; Oxygen et al Nutrient requirements Microorganisms require a bout ten elements in large quantities, bec
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