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Kappa Light-Chain Gene Rearrangement the vertebrate immune system is its ability to respond to an apparently limitless array of for eign antigens As immunoglobulin(Ig)sequence data accu- a Genetic Model Compatible with Ig Structure mulated, virtually every antibody molecule studied was found to contain a unique amino acid sequence in its vari a Multigene Organization
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Structural proteomics Structural proteomics has the goal o obtaining useful, three-dimensional models of all proteins by a combina- tion of experimental structure determination and comparative model building 10/272005 Chaoqun Wu, Fudan University
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1 Definition Subordination means putting a grammatical unit in a lower rank or position. A grammatical unit that functions as a constituent of another unit of equal or lower rank of structure is called subordinate constructi, which might
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第一节 休克的原因和分类 (Causes and classification) 第二节 休克微循环障碍的机制 (Mechanism of microcirculatory disorder of shock) 第三节 休克中的细胞代谢、结构改变和器官功能障碍 (Alterations of cellar metabolism and structure and impairment of organic function) 第四节 休克的防治原则 (Principles of shock treatment)
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一、蛋白质的定义 蛋白质(protein,简写pro):是由20种L-a-氨基 酸按一定的序列通过酰胺键(肽键)缩合而成的, 具较稳定构象并具一定生物功能的生物大分子。 Protein一词来自希腊文“Proteios”,意即“第 一位的”、“最重要的”。 18世纪 Beccari中叶首次报道应用稀酸、稀碱核 盐类可从动、植物组织中分离到含氮类物质。 1838年荷兰Mulder化学家将之应用于从动植物 细胞中所发现的复杂的有机含氮化合物。 蛋白质是一类含氮的生物高分子,分子量大,结 构复杂
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Structure Analysis Central topic: Time-conscious Americans (\Time is one of the two elements that Americans save carefully, the other being laborpara.1)
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Cytoplasmic Membrane System or Cytomembranes Internal Membrane or Endomembrane System(EMS) Includes: nuclear envelopes, endoplasmic reticulum (ER), Golgi complex(GC), lysosomes and a variety of vesicles or vacuoles. Although each of these membranous organelles has its own distinct structure
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Geothermal's Cost of Capital Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACc) Capital Structure Required Rates of Return Big Oil's WACC SInterpreting WACC Flotation Costs
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Part I Vocabulary and structure 30% A: Make the best choice: 1. She was able to cope ---- the difficulties she met with a. in b with d
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Part I Vocabulary& Structure(20%) Section A 1. IfI _you, I would not do it. A.was B.am C.were D. be
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