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背景 ACEDB(一种线虫C.e/ egans数据库)是一种被广泛应用的管理和提供基因组数据的工具组。它 是在1991年由 Ri chard duri n和 Jean Thi erry-Mi eg首先提供的,他们发展它来支持和整理 C. elegans领域中的大范围序列和物理图谱的工作。在本章结尾所列出的因特网资源和资料中 可见1和2条。后续的程序由 Durbin和 Thierry- Mi eg编制和完善,还有许多其他人参与了代码 的编制。这一时期, ACEDB适用于许多动物和植物的基因组计划[3]
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实用指南 辑 Andreas d. Baxevanis enome Technology Branch National human genome research Institute National Institutes of health Bethesda, Maryland B. F Francis ouellette National Center for Biotechnology Information National Institute of health ADB将本书奉献给他的母亲 Anastasia,并纪念他的父亲 Demetrios,他们的智慧和爱是守护 他一生的力量
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这一章讨论的是解释DNA序列的方法,这些方法主要依赖于功能模式的检测,而不是与其它单 个序列的比较。这些方法中的绝大部分意在先寻找并遮蔽重复的和低复杂性的序列,再寻找 基因以及与其相关的调控区域。在针对单个序列的集中调查分析,以及为可能的基因、整个 基因组或相应较大区域建立初步清单的快速扫描过程中,这些方法都发挥了主要作用
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realized that the immune system could go awry and, instead of reacting against foreign antigens, could focus its attack on self-antigens. He termed this con- dition\horror autotoxicus \We now understand that while mechanisms of self-tolerance normally protect an individual from potentially self-reactive lymphocytes, there are failures They result in an inappropriate response of the immune system against self-components termed autoimmunity In the 1960s, it was believed that all self-reactive lymphocytes
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part of the body to another. This is espe- ially true of lymphocytes, which circulate ly in the blood and lymph and, in common with at sites o Lymphocytes Attached to the Surface of a High-Endothelial Venule sLymphocyte Recirculation Cell-Adhesion Molecules Neutrophil Extravasation Lymphocyte Extravasation Chemokines-Key Mediators of Inflammation Other Mediators of Inflammation The Inflammatory Process
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分析化学课是化学类、生物类以及医学、地质、环境类等专业学生的主干基础课之 它的理论和方法不仅是分析化学专业的基础,也是其它一切与化学有关的专业的基础。定量 分析化学课在教给学生基本的分析化学原理和方法的同时,使学生建立起严格的“量”的概 念,培养学生从事理论研究和实际工作的能力以及严谨的科学作风
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production of plasma cells and memory B cells can be divided into three broad stages: generation of mature, immunocompetent B cells(maturation), activa- Initial Contact between b and T cells tion of mature B cells when they interact with antigen, and differentiation of activated B cells into plasma cells and memory B cells. In many vertebrates, ng humans B-Cell maturation and mice, the bone marrow generates B cells. This process
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that peptides derived from the antigen be displayed within the cleft of an MHC peptide-Mhcthe m ormation of the Antigen Processing for Presentation by Class I MHC Molecules Self-MHC Restriction of T Cells Class tides that Role of Antigen-Presenting Cells Evidence for Two Processing and Presentation Pathways
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present on the B-cell membrane and secreted by plasma cells. Membrane-bound antibody con- fers antigenic specificity on B cells; antigen-specific prolifer- ation of B-cell clones is elicted by the interaction of membrane antibody with antigen Secreted antibodies ci culate in the blood, where they serve as the effectors of hu- moral immunity by searching out and neutralizing antigens or marking them for elimination. All antibodies share struc
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排泄(excretion):机体在新陈代谢过程中产生的一些终产物、摄入 量超过机体需要的物质及进入机体的各种异物, 经血液循环到达排泄器宜而排出体外的过程。 §排遗(egestion):食物中不能被消化的、或未被消化的残渣掺以细胞 各种分泌物等,排出体外的过程。 由消化器官完成。 排泄的过程同时也是保持体液稳定的过程
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