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电子科技大学:《计算机操作系统》课程教学资源(PPT课件讲稿)第二章 进程与调度(Processes and Scheduling)
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3.1 传感器概述 3.2 传感器技术发展史 3.3 典型应用 3.4 设计需求 3.5 硬件平台 3.6 操作系统
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WINDOWS 系统概述 系统体系结构 系统服务与进程 系统启动过程 系统的安全级别 WINDOWS 系统安全原理 系统安全架构 安全子系统 账户管理 身份认证 验证授权 安全审计 安全策略 其他 WINDOWS 系统安全配置 安全安装 安全审核 访问控制 账号安全策略 管理员权限 网络服务安全设置 文件系统的安全 安全日志 其他安全设置 WINDOWS 常见应用服务器安全配置 WINDOWS 系统常见安全问题解答 WINDOWS NT系统标准配置 WINDOWS 2000系统标准配置
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❖Why need memory management ❖Memory partitioning ❖Paging ❖Segmentation 3.1 Memory Management Requirements ♣ Relocation(重定位) ♣ Memory Protection(保护) ♣ Memory Sharing(共享) ♣ Logical Organization(逻辑组织) ♣ Physical Organization(物理组织) 3.2 Memory Partitioning • Fixed Partitioning • Dynamic Partitioning • Buddy System(伙伴系统) 3.3 Simple Paging Technique ❖ A process can be loaded into several not continuous frames(页帧). ❖ The efficiency of main memory is higher 3.4 Simple Segmentation Technique • A program and its associated data are divided into a number of segments. The segments may be not the same length. Main memory is divided into many partitions 3.5 Virtual Memory 虚拟存储
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 Processes  Threads  Inter-process communication  Classical IPC problems  Scheduling
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 2.1 Structuring of the Windows Operating System  Architecture Overview  Program Execution Environment  Kernel Mode Architecture  System Threads  System Processes / Services  2.2 Windows Core System Mechanisms  Object Manager & Handles  Local Procedure Calls  Exception Handling  Memory Pools  2.3 Windows on Windows - OS Personalities  Environment Subsystems  System Service Dispatching  Windows on Windows -16bit  Windows on Windows -64bit  2.4 The Windows API - Naming, Conventions, Types
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:6.03MB 文档页数:68
5.1 Principles of Concurrency • 5.1.0 What is concurrency • 5.1.1 A Simple Example • 5.1.2 Race Condition • 5.1.3 Operating System Concerns • 5.1.4 Process Interaction • 5.1.5 Requirements for Mutual Exclusion 5.2 Mutual Exclusion • 5.2.1 Hardware approaches • 5.2.2 Software approaches
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3.1 What is a Process 3.2 Process States 3.3 Process Description
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分布式系统模型 分布式处理机分配 分布式进程调度 分布式系统容错 实时分布式系统
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