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 导言  跨阻放大器的并联-并联反馈  电流放大器的并联-串联反馈  低噪声和高频的跨阻放大器
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 定义  电压放大器的串联-并联反馈  跨导放大器的串联-串联反馈
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 CMOS简单OTA  CMOS密勒OTA  CMOS对称OTA  CMOS折叠共源共栅OTA  其他运放
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 单级OTA的设计  CMOS密勒OTA的设计  GBW和相位裕度的设计  其他指标:输入范围、输出范围、SR…
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 运算放大器的使用  两级运放的稳定性  极点分离  正零点的补偿  三级运放的稳定性
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14.1 Fourier Transforms Introduction. The Classical Fourier Transform for CT Signals. ion of CT Periodic Signals.Generalized T Fourier Transform.Relationship e Fourier Transform 14.2 Fou er Transform lationship to the Finite Time W. Kenneth Jenkins University of Illinois Amplitude,and Phase Alexander D. Poularikas
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 pn结模型  BJT型晶体管模型  MOS型晶体管模型  MOS型与BJT型晶体管的比较
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or Circuit analysis and Design gregory rollins uction. DC(Steady-State) Analysis. AC Analysis. Transient Process and device simulation Process simulation associates. Inc. Peter Bendix 13.2 Parameter Extraction for Analog Circuit Simulation Introduction. MOS DC Models. BSIM Extraction Strategy in LSI Logic Corp
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