The Capital Market Public Issue Privileged Subscription Regulation of Security Offerings Private Placement Initial Financing Signaling Effects The Secondary Market
Capital Structure Determination Conceptual Look The Total-Value- Principle Presence of Market Imperfections and Incentive Issues The Effect of Taxes Taxes and Market Imperfections Combined Financial Signaling
Required Returns and the Cost of Capital Creation of Value Overall Cost of Capital of the Firm Project-Specific Required Rates Group-Specific Required Rates
Fund Analysis, Cash-Flow Analysis, and Financial Planning Flow of Funds(Sources and Uses) Statement Accounting Statement of Cash-Flows- ash- Flow Forecasting Range of Cash-Flow- Estimates Forecasting Financial Statements
Risk and Return Defining Risk and Return Using Probability Distributions to Measure Risk Attitudes Toward Risk Risk and Return in a Portfolio Context Diversification The Capital Asset Pricing Model(cM)
Current Asset Introduction Classification Current (short- Noncurrent term)Assets (Long-Term) Assets Resources or claims to resources that are Resources or claims expected to be sold