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1. Components ---nose ---pharynx ---larynx ---trachea ---bronchi ---lung
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---Digestive system: Digestive tract Digestive gland
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1. General description: ---Components: nerve cell: neuron Glial cell: neuroglial ---Function: Neurons : receive the stimulation, conduct the nerve impulse Glial cell: support, protect and insulate, nourish neurons
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1. General description (1) components: ---cell: muscle fiber-myofiber elongated thread-liked Sarcolemma Sarcoplasm sarcoplasmic reticulum: SER
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---Closed tubular system ---Blood circulatory or cardiovascular S ---Lymph vascular S
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1. Cartilage: organ=Cartilage tissue+perichondrium
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1. General features: (1) small number of cells and large amount of extracellular ground substance (2) extracellular is composed of fibers and amorphous ground substance-matrix (3) all of them originate from mesenchyme￾embryonal CT (4) have functions of connection, supporting, protecting, nutrition, defence and repairing
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1. 掌握虫卵的形态特征。 2. 了解成虫外形和内部结构。 认识中间宿主和吸虫纲生活史各期形态
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一、似蚓蛔线虫(蛔虫) 二、毛首鞭形线虫(鞭虫) 三、蠕形住肠线虫(蛲虫) 四、生物制图要求
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一、中脑的常见综合症 此处病变常见于肿瘤、局限性脑炎、外伤,血管性病变较少。 1、weber综合症 又称动眼神经交叉瘫综合症或 大脑脚综合症。 病变位于中脑的基地部大脑脚的髓内。 表现:同侧---动眼神经麻痹。 对侧---偏瘫包括中枢性面瘫和舌瘫
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