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„ 求解递推方程 „ 计数多重集的r组合数 „ 不定方程的解 „ 整数拆分
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„ 变换群 „ 变换群的定义 „ 变换群的实例 „ n元置换群 „ 置换的表示 „ 置换的乘法和求逆运算 „ 置换群中元素的阶与子群 „ 置换群的实例 „ 陪集及其性质 „ Lagrange定理 „ Lagrange定理的应用 „ 共轭关系与共轭类 „ 群的分类方程
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16.1成本控制概述 16.2目标成本控制与邯钢成本管理的经验 16.3标准成本控制 16.4供应链中的成本控制
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9-0电化学的基本概念 9-1可逆电池和不可逆电池 9-2可逆电池的表示方法和电池电动势的测定 9-3可逆电池的热力学 9-4电极一溶液界面电势差 9-5电极电势的 Nernst方程 9-6可逆电极的种类 9-7各类电池电动势的计算 9-8液体接界电势与盐桥 9-9电池电动势测定的应用
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Chapter 8 Internet market Promotion 8.1 Introduction, category and function of Internet Marketing 8.1.1 Internet marketing conception and characteristic 1. Internet marketing What is Internet marketing? Internet marketing or Internet-based marketing can be defined as the use of the Internet and related digital technologies to achieve marketing objectives and support the modern marketing concept. These technologies include the Internet media and other digital
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Chapter 11 Electronic Commerce logistics 11.1 The Overall Electronic Commerce Logistics 11.1.1 The Logistics And the Logistical System Interest in the Internet has changed so drastically in recent years that one can speak of a universal breakthrough. The remarkable increase in users can be attributed mainly to the appeal of the World Wide Web, the Internet feature that is enjoying the greatest growth. There is some
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Chapter 2 The strategy of the development of E-Commerce 2. 1 The importance of the development of E-Commerce's research The impact of e-commerce, particularly in business to business(B2B)transactions, continues to grow. Customers increasingly expect to be able to deal with suppliers electronically as a matter
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Chapter 4 Website design 4.1 General Design of e-Business website 4.1.1 Defining the task Once you have decided to hire [COMPANy], the first step is to define the project very carefully and very thoroughly. It is critical to put down on paper what is and isn't included for the agree-to price. We call this the\Statement of Work\and include it as part of our proposal. For us to prepare this document, we're going to have a lot of questions to ask. If you haven,'t done so
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Chapter6 Transaction behavior on the internet 6.1 consumer buying behavior 6. 1. 1 What is Consumer Buying Behavior Buying Behavior is the decision processes and acts of people involved in bu product Need to understand why consumers make the purchases that they make? what factors influence consumer purchases? the changing factors in our society
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Chapter 1 Introduction of Electronic commerce 1. 1 Development of Electronic Commerce(e-commerce 1.1.1 Histor Throughout history, attempts to promote new means of communication were simply means with which to increase opportunities for ease, efficiency and security. The foundations on which electronic commerce is based started 125 years ago with the use of telegraph
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