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State Space Basics State space models are of the form x()= Ax(t)+ Bult) y(t)= Cx(t)+ Dult) with associated transfer function G()=C(sI-A)
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Matrix Diagonalization Suppose a is diagonizable with independent eigenvectors use similarity transformations to diagonalize dynamics matrix
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mu Xuu+ Xww-mg cos 000+ m(wi-qUo) Zuu+ Zww Ziw+ Zgq-mg sin+ Iyyq Muu+ Mww+ Mww+ Mq+ There is no roll/yaw motion, so=0. Control commands△x,△z,and△ MC have not yet been specified
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Note can develop good approximation of key aircraft motion(Phugoid) using simple balance between kinetic and potential energies. Consider an aircraft in steady, level flight with speed U and height ho. The motion is perturbed slightly so that
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For general applications in 3D, often need to perform 3 separate rotations to relate our inertial frame to our body frame Especially true for aircraft problems There are many ways to do this set of rotations -with the variations be based on the order of the rotations All would be acceptable
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Static stability is all about the initial tendency of a body to return to its equilibrium state after being disturbed To have a statically stable equilibrium point, the vehicle must develop a restoring force/ moment to bring it back to the eq. condition Later on we will also deal with dynamic stability, which is concerned with the time history of the motion after the disturbance
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Aircraft Performance Accelerated horizontal flight-balance of forces -Engine thrust TLift(toV)
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Introduction We started with one frame (B) rotating and accelerating with respect to another(), and obtained the following expression for the absolute acceleration
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7.1概述 功用:保证发动机正常工作的所需的“神经”系统组成:主要有滑油、起动、燃油与调节系统,以及保证它们正常运行的传动系统。有的机种还有喷水、冷却系统等。(为防内容重复,本章主要介绍滑油、传动系统) 7.2滑油系统
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实习 1 航空像片比例尺测定 实习 2 立体观察练习 实习 3 利用反光镜测定像点高程差 实习 4 遥感图像的光学合成原理 实习 5 认识遥感图象处理软件( ERDAS IMAGINE8.31 )及数据输入输出 实习 6 遥感图像增强处理( 2 )辐射增强处理 实习 7 地质地貌实习 实习 8 植被判读实习 实习 9 扫描图像判读 实习 10 热红外像片判读 实习 11 航空像片的判读 实习 12 遥感图象分类( 1 )非监督分类与监督分类 实习 13 遥感图象分类( 2 )监督分类
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