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There is generally a higher degree of uncertainty regarding the future benefits that may be derived. Their value is subject to wider fluctuations because it may depend to a considerable extent on competitive conditions
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Intermediate Accounting 8 Property, Plant And Equipment I. Classification as property, plant and equipment To be included in the property, plant, and equipment category, an asset must have three characteristics:
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Chapter F12 Power notes Corporations: Income and Taxes, nts in Stocks Stockholders' Equity, Investm Learning Objectives 1. Corporate Income Taxes 2. Unusual Income Statement Items 3. Earnings Per Common Share 4. Reporting Stockholders'Equity 5. Comprehensive Income 6. Accounting for Investment in Stocks 7. Business Combinations 8. Financial Analysis and Interpretation
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第六章负债和所有者权益 一、名词解释 1、流动负债 2、应付票据 3、长期负债 4、长期借款 5、应付债券 6、所有者权益
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1. Conceptual overview and uses of the Statement of Cash Flows Intermediate Accounting 5 The Statement of Cash Flows A statement of cash flows is a financial statement of a company that shows the cash inflows, cash outflows, and net change in cash from its operating, investing, and financing activities during an accounting period, in a manner that reconciles the company's beginning and ending cash balances
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1. Concepts of income Intermediate Accounting 4 The Income Statement and Income Recognition Capital Maintenance Concept Under this concept, corporate income for a period of time is the amount that may be paid to stockholders during that period and still enable the corporation to be as well off at the end of the period as it was at the beginning
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An item of information to be recognized as an element (i.e. formally recorded and reported in the body of the financial statements), an item must
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本一量一利分析的基本假设是本 一量一利分析的基础,但它实际上是在一定程度上为简化研究而提出来的,实践中往往很难完全满足这些基本假设
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一、简答题(每题5分,共30分) 1.业主权益论与营业个体(实体)论 2.或有事项与期后事项 3、利润确定的”收入费用观”与”资产负债观” 4.企业最佳货币持有量的”成本分析模式”与”存货模式” 5.销售折让、商业折扣和现金折扣及其基本的会计处理 6.外币报表折算的流动项目法和非流动项目法不同性质的项目如何折算 选择题(每题5分,共30分) 1.直接转销法下发生坏帐损失时,应作的会计分录为() A.借记“坏帐准备”,贷记”应收帐款” B.借记“管理费用”,贷记”应收帐款” C、借记“应收帐款”,贷记”坏帐准备” D、借记“应收帐款”,贷记“管理费用
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一、合并工作底稿的设计 (一)合并工作底稿的性质 在实际工作中,为了便于编制正式的合并财务报 表,一般要先编制合并财务报表工作底稿。合并 财务报表工作底稿,简称合并工作底稿,或工作 底稿,它在本质上是为编制合并财务报表所打的 草稿,在合并工作底稿上主要完成对个别财务报 表有关项目的调整与抵销工作。为了便于检查与 核对,一般采用在工作底稿上编制调整与抵销分 录的方式。这些调整与抵销分录借记与贷记的是 报表项目,而不是会计科目,不需要在母公司或 子公司的账上登记
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