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Writer of American National Anthem Francis Scott Key(1779-1843) Oh! thus be it ever. when freemen shall stand Between their loved homes and the war's desolation! Blest with victory and peace, may the heaven-rescued land Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation
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THE STATUE OF LIBERTY Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free he wretched refuse of your teeming shore Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me I lift my lamp beside the golden door
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Brief Introduction a. England b. Scotland c. reland d. Weather e. The Union Jack(flag)
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LECTURE 28 The mAKINGOF THE AMERICAN CONSTITUTION Procedures: .Show the slides/pictures of the Statue of Liberty the poem by Emma Lazarus, and the figures about the Statue-to illustrate the deep-rooted meaning of freedom and democracy in the country;
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Approaching the Maple Leaf Land 1. A bird's-eye View of Canada A. figures and facts B. Geography and economy C. Natural Wonders D. Traveling by Express from the East to the West
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Warm-up Exercises and Preview Questions: 1. What is the symbol of the United States of America? What do you know about the Statue of Liberty? 2. Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand a mighty woman with a torch whose flame is imprisoned lightning
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中国新闻事业史这门课程讲授的是中国新闻发生发展的历史。所以要确立“史”的概念, 从宏观上把握课本,掌握中国新闻史的发展线索、发展过程、衍变规律及其特点,全面系统 地了解新闻传播活动。同时,要明确人民是历史的创造者,对在新闻史上产生重大作用的人 物要掌握其生平、重要的报刊活动,主要的新闻思想,并且能正确加以评价,在评价时绝不 能用当今的眼光去苛求历史上的报人和报刊要联系当时的政治、经济、文化等条件及当时 的时代趋势去分析和评价
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《史記·五帝本紀》: 黄帝一顓頊一帝馨一摯一堯一舜一禹一皋陶 伯益
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自中国进入WTO以后,中国人渐渐地明白世界上最赚钱的行业就是IT行业,即便 若干年以后会有别的行业取代IT行业在人们心目中的位置,也不可能用一种什么 东西来取代电脑,事实是这样,中国目前社会的任何的行业,只要离开了计算机 就绝对不是赚钱的行业,例如,钟点工,保姆,搽皮鞋等等。所以无论你干什么 行业,最最重要的一门课程就是计算机,所以计算机已成为大学乃至中学的一门 必修课程,我们学校对计算机的学习更加重视,学校要求我们每个学生都能够通 过湖南省计算机等级考试后才有资格拿毕业证。大家不用紧张,每年我校计算机 等级考试的通过率都在湖南省前列,只要大家有兴趣学习,都可以很轻松地拿到 合格证。其实大家学完这门课程就具备了成为比尔最基本的条件,那就要看各自 的兴趣和努力程度了,我们说计算机是一个非常年轻的行业,计算机行业很年轻 同样从事计算机行业的人也很年轻,不象医生越老越红
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