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Main Objective: Build a viable domain (B-rep solids, cutout solids, simple solids) B-rep (Boundary Representation) solids are composed of simple and/or trimmed surfaces Simple (Parametric) solids have cubic topology Multiple solids must connect at whole faces Surface and face congruency and parameterization must be kept in mind or the mesh quality will suffer
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Domains represent 3D regions where governing equations are solved Domains can be comprised of more than one solid joined together Domains can also contain internal 3D regions Cutouts- solid obstacles to flow Sub -domains- Fluid sub-domains: volumetric sources/sinks of mass. heat
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Create a solid which defines the region of interest. Define the fluid domain in terms of flow region, physical models, and fluid properties. Apply boundary conditions to fluid domain surfaces. Specify an initial guess/condition for the simulation
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3-1 传统控制方法与模糊逻辑控制方法 3-2 模糊逻辑控制的工作原理 4-1 模糊逻辑控制器的结构 4-2 模糊逻辑控制器设计步骤 4-3 模糊逻辑控制器的设计方法 5-1 模糊逻辑控制系统的一般设计过程 5-2 模糊逻辑控制系统设计举例
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Boundary conditions are required to set on all external domain boundaries Initial values/guess are required to set for all calculations Boundary conditions and initial values/guess can be either constants or expressions
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1生态系统的概念 2生态系统的组成成分 3生态系统的结构 4生态系统的功能 5生态系统的稳定性 6生态系统的服务功能
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一.写出下列各化学物的结构式(20分) (1)-d葡萄糖(b-d--Glucose) (2)乳糖(Lactose) (3)5-腺苷三磷酸(5-Adenosine triphosphate)(4)磷脂酰胆碱
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基础实验1 离散型随机变量 基础实验2 连续型随机变量 基础实验3 数字特征 基础实验4 估计理论 基础实验5 假设检验 专题实验1 线性回归问题 专题实验2 沙岩体空间分布 专题实验3 Buffon实验 专题实验4 订票问题 专题实验5 童售票策略问题 专题实验6独家销售商品广告问题 专题实验7 最佳检验中N的确定 专题实验8 毒品走私问题
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1生态系统格局 2森林生态系统 3草原生态系统 4荒漢和苔原生态系统 5湿地生态系统 6水域生态系统
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1生物地化循环的概念 2水循环 3气体型循环 4沉积型循环 5有毒物质的迁移和转化 6放射性核素循环 7生物地化循环与人体健康
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