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Teaching Points l. Background knowledge ll. Introduction to the passage lll . Text Analysis IV. Rhetorical devices V. Questions
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Teaching Points l. Background knowledge lI. Introduction to the passage lIl. Text Analysis ⅣV. Rhetorica| devices V. Questions
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Teaching Points l. Background knowledge ll. Introduction to the passage lllText Analysis IV. Rhetorical devices V. Questions
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第一节 工农民主政权的法律制度 第二节 抗日民主政权的法律制度 第三节 解放区民主政权的法律制度
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一、平面点集:平面点集的表示:E={(xy)l(x,y)满足的条件}余集E 1.常见平面点集:
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How to Improve Your Spoken English literature: instrumental and integrative motivation. Instrumental motivation is one in which the learner desires to use the language as a tool to achieve some desirable ends. In contrast, an integrative motivation is one in which \learners may choose to learn a particular L2 because they are interested in the people and culture represented by the target-language group\(Ellis, 1997, p75). In various contexts, both motivations have proved important. Of course, students can have both types of motivation at the same time
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一、L(Universal Resources Locator)用于定位Web上的文档信息。 二、一个URL包括四部分:协议、计算机地址、端口号、文件路径。 三、协议:计算机:端口号/文件路径
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现已出版的有关废水生物处理技术的书籍中,大多沿袭传统 的分类方法,着重论述已有成功工业化运行经验的活性污泥法和 生物膜法等,也有个别涉及对活性污泥法的曝气和操作运行方式 进行改进以及生物转盘、接触氧化、生物流化床等比较新颖的技 术,但生物处理方法作为水处理L程领域十分活跃的分支,正在 以惊人的速度发展变化着。随着人们对排水水质要求的提高利越 来越多复杂水质的出现
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1.利用Green公式计算下列积分: (1)f(x+y)2dx-(x2+y2)dy,其中L是以A(11),B(32)C(25)为顶点的三角形的边界,逆时针方向;
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THWAITES' METHOD (For calculating lominr, incompesible, L developomet) Task: Grien, deternine,, .. Integrae (Hnz) Approach: Use assumed profile family e.g. Falkmer- Skan
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