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Epidemiology 6th leading cause of death in U.S. Number one Among the infectious diseases 6 million patients annually in US Incidence 5~10/1,000/year Mortality in OPD patients 1-5 % but Inpatients 25%, ICU 50-60%
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Respiratory failure Acute respiratory distress syndrome(ARDS) dyspnea Hypoxemia hypercapnia Respiratory Support Mechanical ventilation
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How to Teach Internal Medicine 2005.2-7: Lecture_(Bilingual teaching) 2005.9-2006.1 Bedside teaching: rotation for weeks, including Respiratory system, Cardiovascular system, Gastrointestinal system, Kidney and urinary system, Endocrinology, Hematology, etc
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Cirrhosis---definition chronic, progressed, diffuse hepatocellular injury fibrosis nodular regeneration Incidence: 17/100000/y Age: 20-50 yr
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定义 各种原因引起的肠道炎症性疾病 (广义).通常所说的炎症性肠病是溃疡 性结肠炎(ulcerative colitis UC) 和克罗恩病(Crohn's diaease CD)
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Hypothalamic-pituitary- thyroid axis Hypothalamus TRH Stimulation Inhibition Free Hormone-> ←Bound Hormone
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血压的测量 ·诊所血压:标准测量方式。方便,常用 24小时动态血压:使用国际标准的装置 ·考虑:诊所血压变化大;与自测血压相差明显;低危者; 疑有治疗抵抗;研究需要 ·优点:与靶器官损害相关性更好;心血管危险预测强度更 高;记录对治疗反应更准确
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定义 除心脏瓣膜病、冠心病、高血 压心脏病、肺心病和先心以外,以 心肌病变为主要表现的一组疾病
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1.掌握系统性血管炎(巨细胞动脉炎、大动脉 炎、结节性多动脉炎、显微镜下多血管炎、 韦格氏肉芽肿、变异性肉芽肿性血管炎、白赫切特病)的临床表现、实验室检查及血清 免疫学检测临床意义。 2.熟悉系统性血管炎病的诊断依据、治疗原则 3.了解血管炎病的特点、分类、发病机制及病 理学特征
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一、Types of lupus Discoid Systemic Drug -induced-
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