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Strain Displacement Strain Strain field Strain determination in rocks
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Review: 1.What is the orientation relationship between maximum shear stresses and principal stresses? 2. What are trajectories of principal stresses?
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(A)General triaxial stress ellipsoid in perspective view. (B)Views normal to each of the principal planes of the ellipsoid. (After W.D. Means,1976)
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构造运动的表现 地震是岩石圈的快速颤 动。它是由构造运动引 起岩石圈内某些地区的 应力集中而使岩石变形 ,当应力达到或超过岩 石的强度极限时,岩石 便产生破裂或位移,同 时将其能量突然释放出 不论发生地点为何 来,并以地震波的形式 地震原因皆相同 向四周传播,于是产生 地震
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2.1 形成矿物的地质作用 2.2 矿物的变化 2.3 矿物形成的时空关系 2.4 反映矿物成因的一些现象
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OBSERVATION OF TECTONIC SAMPLES Observe tectonic samples in the STRUCTURAL SCOPE. Discuss what you observed with your group members. Select one representative of the group to exchange ideas with other groups in the class
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Planar fabric Linear fabric and the size and elements In one dimension is Are parallel to much Longer than that in one another the other two dimensions
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1 比例尺和图幅管理 2 地图符号 3 地貌符号 4 4D产品介绍
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场地排雨水系统 场地排雨水设计的一般要求 场地排雨水流量计算 场地排雨水设计的步骤 雨水口布置 场地排雨水方式 明沟布置 跌水与急流槽
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第一节 边坡的变形和破坏 第二节 滑坡 第三节 崩塌 第四节 泥石流 第五节 岩溶和土洞
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