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Structure Describing technologies Production set or technology set Production function Isoquant Marginal product Returns to scale Technical rate of substitution well- behaved technologies Long run and short run
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Structure Types of cost curves Fixed, variable and total cost functions Average fixed, average variable and average cost functions Marginal cost functions Marginal and variable cost functions Marginal and average cost functions Short run and long run cost curves
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Structure on -collusive- moves Simultaneous moves Quantity competition -Cournot model Price competition- Bertrand model Sequential moves Quantity leadership- Stakelberg model Price leadership Collusion
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Structure What causes monopoly Profit-maximizing- choices of monopoly Markup pricing Taxing monopoly Inefficiency of monopoly Natural monopoly(自然垄断)
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Structure Market environments Market demand for a competitive firm Short-run- supply decision Upward sloping MC curve Shut- down condition Long -run- supply decision Comparing long-run- and short--run decisions Producer's' surplus and profits
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Structure Definition When to provide a public good Efficient provision Private provision: free-riding Variable quantities of public good -Efficient amount Free-riding problem How to provide public goods? Demand revelation
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Structure State contingent consumption(依情 形而定的消费) Preferences under uncertainty Attitudes toward risk State-contingent- budget constraint Choice under uncertainty Diversification and risk spreading
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Exercises 1. What is the wavelength of a neutron traveling at a speed of 3. 90 km s- Neutrons btained from a nuclear pile
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第一节 拉弯和压弯构件的应用及其破坏形式 第二节 拉弯和压弯构件的强度计算 第三节 压弯构件在弯矩作用平面内的稳定计算 第四节 压弯构件在弯矩作用平面外的稳定计算 第五节 压弯构件的计算长度(自学) 第六节 实腹式压弯构件的局部稳定 第七节 格构式压弯构件的计算
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IG Aln Happy New Year 2004 UHF ndio REM telecom HW \ Front SSPA Mars Rovers mEr-a \ Spirit landed Sat 1/3 11 35pm ET Body structure (Warm Electronics BoxWeb).Refhttp://marsrovers.jplnasagov (imAgeistakenfromNasa'SWebsitehttp://www.nasa.gov.) We won' t be designing a mars rover this iap, but You will learn about the design process and fundamenta
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