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Woman complained of tightness in abdomen associated with belching wind which did not relieve feeling. Symptoms usually began between 5 and 6 p.m. lasing several hours. Relieved by White mixture. (D=Doctor, P=Patient)
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Importance of Inquiry Gaining clinical information and collecting case history based on systemic inquiry Base of clinical practice *60~80% diagnosis could be induced from interview between patient and physician New form: consultation by phone, in internet
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Definition Frequent micturition: voiding at frequent intervals, due to a sense of bladder fullness Normal: 3-5 times in the day time 0-1 time in the night 200-400ml each time
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Significance General condition comprehension Confirm history information Specific sign collection for the diagnosis of certain disease infers certain accessory examines Grossly preclude some certain disorders Contribute a relation between the physician and the patient
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Palpation and percussion usually follow inspection in the examination of the other body systems a Following inspection, the examiner should perform auscultation of the abdomen
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Respiratory Function Test Spirolmetry Airway resistance compliance Diffusion capacity measure CO Exercise respiratory function test
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Definition of pain A signal of disease Unpleasant sensation localized to a part of the body Penetrating or tissue destructive process stabbing burning twisting tearing squeezing Bodily or emotional reaction
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一、资源禀赋 二、产业竞争力 三、物价水平 四、汇率制度
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一、国际货币制度 1、汇率制度 2、储备资产 3、各国货币可兑换性与国际结算的原则 4、国际收支的调节方式 二、国际金融机构 三、国际货币秩序
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一、国际金融市场的发展与构成 二、欧洲货币市场 三、国际资本市场 四、世界黄金市场 五、国际金融市场的作用和影响 六、国际金融市场的监管
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