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17.1 Digital Image Processing Image Capture. Point Operations Image Enhancement. Digital Purdue University Image Compression. Reconstruction. Edge Detection.Analysis Charles A.Bouman and Computer Vision Purdue University 17.2 Video Signal Processing Sampling. Quantization. Vector Quantization.Video Sarah A. Rajala Compression Informatin Preserving Coders.Predictive North Carolina State University Coding. Motion-Compensated Predictive Coding- Transform Coding. Subband Coding HDTV. Motion Estimation N.K.Bose
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16.1 Spectral Analysis State University of New York Historical Perspective. Modern Spectral Analysis at Buffalo 16.2 Parameter Estimation Dimitri Kazakos Louisiana Estimation Schemes 16.3 Kalman Filtering Fred Daum Kalman Filter Equations.Kalman Filter Examples.Extended Kalman Raytheon Company
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Yariv Ephraim ATeT Bell Laboratories George Mason University Jesse W.Fussell General Approaches. Model Adaptation. Analysis-by-Synthesis. Department of Defense Particular Implementations. Speech Quality and Intelligibility Standardiza Variable Rate Coding. Summary and Conclusions Lynn D. Wilcox FX Palo Alto Lab
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14.1 Fourier Transforms Introduction. The Classical Fourier Transform for CT Signals. ion of CT Periodic Signals.Generalized T Fourier Transform.Relationship e Fourier Transform 14.2 Fou er Transform lationship to the Finite Time W. Kenneth Jenkins University of Illinois Amplitude,and Phase Alexander D. Poularikas
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or Circuit analysis and Design gregory rollins uction. DC(Steady-State) Analysis. AC Analysis. Transient Process and device simulation Process simulation associates. Inc. Peter Bendix 13.2 Parameter Extraction for Analog Circuit Simulation Introduction. MOS DC Models. BSIM Extraction Strategy in LSI Logic Corp
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一、数字逻辑电路 ⒈数字信号 ⑴ 数字量: ⑵数字信号:
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例1:军民联欢会的入场券分红、黄两色,军人持红票入场, 群众持黄票入场,符合要求时,放行通过。求放行的逻辑 关系
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12.1 Introduction 12.2 Using the State of the System to Determine Stability 12.3 Lyapunov Stability Theory Ferenc Szidarovszky 12.4 Stability of Time-Invariant Linear Systems University of Arizona
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第一节 D/A转换器 第二节 A/D 转换器
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第一节 寄存器 第二节 计数器 第三节 一般时序电路
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