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Many markets are such that a firm needs several resources to success Resources can be brought together in several ways Self-development acquire/be acquired
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较大的市场空缺提供较多的价值创造机会, 但是可抓取的价值相为较小。 这种情势对于较弱小的竞争者来说较有吸引力。 译注∶当市场空缺大时,小小的一杯羹就足以养活一家小公 司,但能获取的利润很小
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较大的市场空缺提供较多的价值创造机会 但是可抓取的价值相为较小。 这种情势对于较弱小的竞争者来说较有吸引力 译注∶当市场空缺大时,小小的一杯羹就足以养活一家小公司 ,但能获取的利润很小,因为许多小公司会不计一切投入竞争 如近十年来的计算机外设产业,中小企业林立,但是其中甚 少有可获取高利润者
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Not all economic forces respect industry boundaries Cartoons for all kids or All entertainment for some kids
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「当一个有良好声誉的经理人进入一个恶 名昭彰的产业服务,通常他无法对这个产 业的名声有任何提升」 华伦巴菲特
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你为甚么能赚到钱? 那个资源会发生甚么变化? 你可以利用现有资源来创造可以取代 它的事物吗? 你有任何劣势吗?
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When a manager with a good reputation meets an industry with a bad reputation. It is normally the industry that leaves with its reputation intact.” Attributed to Warren Buffett
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Target Audience Consultants Investment analysts Entrepreneurs Product Managers
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Objectives Identify, evaluate, and develop marketing strategies Evaluate a firm's opportunities Anticipate competitive dynamics Evaluate the sustainability of competitive advantages 15.834 Marketing Strategy
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