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Ikenes are hydrocarbons that contain a carbon-carbon double bond. A car- bon-carbon double bond is both an important structural unit and an important functional group in organic chemistry. The shape of an organic molecule is influ- enced by the presence of this bond, and the double bond is the site of most of the chem- ical reactions that alkenes undergo. Some representative alkenes include isobutylene(an industrial chemical), a-pinene (a fragrant liquid obtained from pine trees), and farnesene (a naturally occurring alkene with three double bonds
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he Greek word stereos means\solid, \and stereochemistry refers to chemistry in three dimensions. The foundations of organic stereochemistry were laid by Jacobus van't Hoff* and Joseph Achille Le Bel in 1874. Independently of each other, van't Hoff and Le Bel proposed that the four bonds to carbon were directed toward the cor- ners of a tetrahedron. One consequence of a tetrahedral arrangement of bonds to carbon
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H ydrocarbons that contain carbon-carbon triple bond are called alkynes. Non- cyclic alkynes have the molecular formula C, H2n-2. Acetylene (HCCH) is th simplest alkyne. We call compounds that have their triple bond at the end of a carbon chain(RC=CH) monosubstituted, or terminal, alkynes. Disubstituted alkynes (RCCR') are said to have internal triple bonds. You will see in this chapter that a car- bon-carbon triple bond is a functional group, reacting with many of the same reagents
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rganometallic compounds are compounds that have a carbon-metal bond; they lie at the place where organic and inorganic chemistry meet. You are already familiar with at least one organometallic compound, sodium acetylide (NaC=CH), which has an ionic bond between carbon and sodium. But just because a compound contains both a metal and carbon isn't enough to classify it as organometal-
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ntil the second half of the twentieth century, the structure of a substance-a newly discovered natural product, for example-was determined using information obtained from chemical reactions. This information included the identification of functional groups by chemical tests, along with the results of experiments in which the substance was broken down into smaller, more readily identifiable fragments. Typical of this approach is the demonstration of the presence of a double bond in an alkene by cat- nd subsequent
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n contrast to alcohols with their rich chemical reactivity, ethers (compounds contain- ing a C-0-C unit) undergo relatively few chemical reactions. As you saw wher we discussed Grignard reagents in Chapter 14 and lithium aluminum hydride reduc- tions in Chapter 15, this lack of reactivity of ethers makes them valuable as solvents in a number of synthetically important transformatio. In the present chapter you will learn
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the preceding chapter you learned that nucleophilic addition to the carbonyl group is one of the fundamental reaction types of organic chemistry. In addition to its own reactivity, a carbonyl group can affect the chemical properties of aldehydes and ketones in other ways. Aldehydes and ketones are in equilibrium with their enol isomers
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arboxylic acids, compounds of the type RCOH, constitute one of the most fre- quently encountered classes of organic compounds Countless natural products are carboxylic acids or are derived from them. Some carboxylic acids, such as acetic acid, have been known for centuries. Others, such as the prostaglandins, which are pow erful regulators of numerous biological processes remained unknown until relatively
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ou have already had considerable experience with carbanionic compounds and rgani their applications in synthetic organic chemistry. The first was acetylide ion in Chapter 9, followed in Chapter 14 by organometallic compounds-Grignard reagents, for example-that act as sources of negatively polarized carbon. In Chapter 18 you learned that enolate ions-reactive
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he value of alkyl halides as starting materials for the preparation of variety of organic functional groups has been stressed many times. In our earlier discussions, we noted that aryl halides are normally much less reactive than alkyl halides in reactions that involve carbon-halogen bond cleavage. In the present chapter you will see that aryl halides can exhibit their own patterns of chemical reactivity, and that these reac
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