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一、是非题(对打“√”,错打“×”。每题2分,共10分) ()1.逻辑函数表达式的化简结果是唯一的。 ()2.多位数加法器可利用半加器通过位数扩展得到。 ()3.下图电路中,图(a)和图(b)的逻辑功能相同
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第10章触发器和时序逻辑电路 10.1触发器 10.2计数器 10.3寄存器 10.4脉冲信号的产生与波形变换
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59 Conventional Power Generation G.G. Karady Fossil Power Plants. Nuclear Power Plants. Geothermal Power Plants. Hydroelectric Power Plants
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一、数控系统主要部件 数控控制器 伺服(主轴)放大器、电机(反馈) I/O装置 机床
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46 Electroacoustic Devices P. H. Rogers Transduction Mechanisms. Sensitivity and Source Level. Reciprocity Canonical Equations and Electroacoustic Coupling. Radiation Impedance.Directivity
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一、蓄电池基础知识 二、日常维护 三、参数设置 四、使用前、中、后维护重点 五、常见问题探讨
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35 Electromagnetic Fields J.A. Kong Maxwell Equations. Constitutive Relations. Wave Equations and Wave Solutions
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22 Semiconductors G.S. Gildenblat, B. Gelmont, M. Milkovic, A. Elshabini-Riad, F.W. Stephenson, I.A. Bhutta, D.C. Look Physical Properties. Diodes. Electrical Equivalent Circuit Models and Device Simulators for Semiconductor Devices Electrical Characterization of Semiconductors
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5.1 电路交换和分组交换 5.2 虚电路和数据报 5.3 路由选择
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14 Digital Signal Processing W.K. Jenkins, A. D. Poularikas, B. W. Bomar, L.M. Smith, J.A. Cadzow Fourier Transforms er Transforms and the Fast Fourier Transform. Design and Imple of Digital Filters.Signal Restoration
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