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一、红、蓝宝石 什么是红、蓝宝石? 红、蓝宝石是宝石级的刚。其中红色者(中 等深浅的红色到暗红至紫红)称红宝石,其它 颜色者称蓝宝石,包括粉红色的也是蓝宝石。 其它颜色的蓝宝石可用前置形容词修饰命名, 如黄色蓝宝石。 刚玉是自然界产出的,主要成分为A2O3,具 有三方对称的矿物
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1技术参数: ·沟长、入沟流量 A计划灌水定额=t时间内入渗水量 +沟中蓄水量 mal =(b h+po ktl)
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第二章序列密码习题 1.构造序列密码的方法主要有哪几种? 2.序列密码对密钥序列有哪些主要的要求? 3.设3级线性移位寄存器在c3=1时可有4种线性反馈函数,设初态为(aa2a1)=(101),求四种线性反馈函数的输出序列及周期
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第一节纯扭构件 5.1.1矩形截面纯扭构件的开裂扭矩 弹性材料(P92,5-5a):Tmax=2,(3.03≤≤4.79) 塑性材料:Tmaxyy2,(2.0≤y1≤3.0)
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Countless divisions of a single-celled zygote produce an organism of astonishing cellular complexity and organiza- tion. Any individual cell is bound to die, because cells are subject to wear and tear as well as to accidents. 25 million cells are undergoing division each second in an adult human and blood cells renewed at the rate of about 100 million per minute. If an organism is to continue to live
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This paper is an updated version of a previous working paper, Capital Budgeting in the Presence of Managerial Overconfidence and Optimism, by the same authors. Financial support by the Rodney L. white Center for Financial Research is gratefully acknowledged. The authors would like to thank Andrew Abel, Jonathan Berk, Domenico Cuoco, David Denis, Janice Eberly, Robert Goldstein, Peter Swan, and seminar
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CHAP2生态学基础 2-1生态学基础 一、生态学与生态 1.生态学(Ecology): A.传统定义:研究生物与其生活环境相互关系的学科。(侧重于植物、动物)
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where f:R\×Rn×R→ R\ and g:R\×R\×R→ R are continuous functions. Assume that f, g are continuously differentiable with respect to their first two arguments in a neigborhood of the trajectory co(t), yo(t), and that the derivative
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一、单项选择题 1、我国从到死亡时止,具有民事权利能力,依法享有民事权利,承担民事义务 A.年满10岁 B.年满18岁 C.年满16岁 D.从出生时起
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The analysis of the outcome of a reaction requires that we know the full structure of the products as well as the reactants In the 1 gth and early 20th centuries, structures
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