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1. In the following choice, which is not the principle of accounting sytems? A. Cost-effective balance C. Internal control B. Effective reporting D. Conservation
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一、名词解释 1、资产 2、负债 3、所有者权益 4、可比性原则
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Task Team of FUNDAMENTAL ACCOUNTING School of Business, Sun Yat-sen University Lesson 13 Managerial Accounting I: Concepts and Principles Self-Test I. True and False Questions 1. Managerial accounting places less emphasis on precision and more emphasis on flexibility
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Task Team of FUNDAMENTAL ACCOUNTING School of Business, Sun Yat-sen University Lesson 1: Introduction to accounting Learning Objectives Understand the concepts of economic man and nature of firm from the perspective of
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Task Team of FUNDAMENTAL ACCOUntING hool of Business, Sun Y at-sen University L Note Lesson 4 Adjusting Accounts for Financial Statement Learning objectives Describe the purpose of adjusting accounts at the end of the peric 2. Prepare and explain adjusting entries for
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一、名词解释(3分/题,共15分) 1、会计确认与会计计量 2、收入与费用 3、永续盘存制与实地盘存制 4、交易与事项 5、资本性支出与收益性支出
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Task Team of FUNDAMENTAL ACCOUntING hool of Business, Sun Y at-sen University Lesson notes Lesson 6 accounting for merchandising activities Learning Objectives Describe merchandising activities and identify business types
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Task Team of FUNdaMENTAL aCCOUNtIng School of Business. Sun Yat-sen University Less ote Lesson 8 Accounting Information System Learning objectives 1. Describe the principles of properly designed accounting system
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练习题 1、名词解释 1、内部控制结构 2、控制环境 3、ERM
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Task Team of FUNdaMENTAL aCCOUNtIng School of Business. Sun Yat-sen University Less Lesson 10 Understanding and Using Financial Statements Learning objectives
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