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《新编大学英语》翻译教学课件(PPT讲稿,第三版第三册,Translation and Writing)Lecture 04 定语从句的翻译(1)限制性定于从句的翻译1/2
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复旦大学:《涉外护理英语情境对话 Professional English for Nurses:Scene Dialogue》教学资源_专业词汇测试1:Chapter1-2
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:875.5KB 文档页数:27
1 Lead in 2 Theory: Parataxis 3 Theory: Hypotaxis 4 Samples and Assignments
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复旦大学:《涉外护理英语情境对话 Professional English for Nurses:Scene Dialogue》教学资源_专业词汇测试1:Chapter1-2
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复旦大学:《涉外护理英语情境对话 Professional English for Nurses:Scene Dialogue》教学资源_情境模拟:Chapter 5 Unit 2 Dialogue 1 Post-operative Focus of Care
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:218.11KB 文档页数:3
复旦大学:《涉外护理英语情境对话 Professional English for Nurses:Scene Dialogue》教学资源_情境模拟:Chapter 3 Unit 1 Dialogue 2 as Mrs. Parker
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《新编大学英语》课程教学资源(讲义)Reading Skill 6 Working with Academic Generalization 预习-U3-Reading2-Text
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:9.54MB 文档页数:43
1 Background of the text 2 Try to answer the following questions 3 Text structure 4 Language points 5 Analysis the long sentences in the text
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复旦大学:《涉外护理英语情境对话 Professional English for Nurses:Scene Dialogue》教学资源_情境模拟:Chapter 2 Ward Routine Work Unit 1 Reporting Dialogue 1 as RN Lucy
文档格式:PDF 文档大小:156.63KB 文档页数:2
复旦大学:《涉外护理英语情境对话 Professional English for Nurses:Scene Dialogue》教学资源_情境模拟:Chapter 2 Ward Routine Work Unit 1 Reporting Dialogue 1 as RN Alice
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