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数据库设计是一项涉及多学科的综合性技术,是一项庞大的工程项目。 一、数据库设计的特点: 数据库建设是硬件、软件和干件(技术与管理的界面称为干件)的结合。数据库设计应该和应用系统设计相结合,在整个设计过程中要把结构(数据)设计和行为(处理、功能)设计密切结合起来
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1.儿童医疗机构的设施及护理管理 2.与儿童的沟通技巧 3.住院儿童的心理护理 4.科常用护理技术操作
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用块状石料或混凝土预制块铺筑的路面称为块料路面。根据其使用材料性 质、形状、尺寸、修琢程度的不同,分为条石、小方石、拳石、粗琢石及混凝 土块料路面。 块料路面的主要优点是坚固耐久,清洁少尘,养护修理方便。由于这种路面 易于翻修,因而特别适用于土基不够稳定的桥头高填土路段、铁路交叉口以及 有地下管线的城市道路上
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Topics Covered Rates of Return Years of Capital Market History Measuring Risk Risk Diversification Thinking About risk Irwvin/McGraw-Hill
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第一节强心药、抗心律失常药物和抗心绞痛药物 Cardiac Glycosides, Antianginal, and Antiarrhythmic Drugs 1强心药物(Cardiac agents) 2抗心律失常药物(Antiarrhythmic Drugs) 3抗心绞痛药物(Antianginal Drugs)
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Topics Covered SHow Firms Organize Their Investment Process Some\What If Questions Sensitivity analysis Break Even Analysis SFlexibility in Capital Budgeting Decision Trees Options
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Topics Covered Net Present value SOther Investment Criteria Project Interactions Capital Rationing
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Transaction Processing System Input Process Output Software Design Systems Development Communication Information
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Transaction Processing System Input Process Output Systems Development Communication Information
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TWo Levels of Planning ystems Planning Gives managers, Users, and Information Systems Personnel Projects Establishes what should be done Sets a budget for the total cost of these projects o Systems Project planning Setting a plan for the development of each specific systems project
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