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Topics Covered Rates of Return 973 Years of Capital Market History Measuring Risk Risk Diversification Thinking About Risk
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Measuring Beta Portfolio Betas CAPM and Expected Return Security market Line Capital Budgeting and Project Risk
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Organizing Business The Role of The Financial Manager Financial Markets Who Is The Financial Manager Corporate Goals Incentives Value Maximization
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Venture Capital The Initial Public Offering The Underwriters General Cash Offers The Private Placement
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Call Option Right to buy an asset at a specified exercise price on or before the exercise date. Put Option Right to sell an asset at a specified exercise price on or before the exercise date
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The Market for Corporate Control Sensible Motives for mMergers Dubious Reasons for Mergers Evaluating Mergers Merger Tactics Leveraged Buy-Outs Mergers and the Economy
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Future values Present values Multiple Cash Flows Perpetuities and Annuities Inflation Time value Effective Annual Interest Rate
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Stocks and the Stock Market Book Values, Liquidation Values and Market Values Valuing Common Stocks Simplifying the Dividend Discount Model Growth Stocks and Income Stocks
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Topics Covered SCalls and puts sWhat Determines Option values SPotting the Option Irwin McGraw-Hill CThe McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc, 2001
文档格式:PPT 文档大小:638KB 文档页数:22
Topics Covered Stocks and the Stock Market Book Values. Liquidation Values and Market values Valuing Common Stocks Simplifying the Dividend Discount Model Growth Stocks and Income Stocks Irwvin McGraw-Hill
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